Barbara Borwell
My nursing career began in 1956, the journey continuing until 2008 encompassing a wide range of settings, specialities and experiences. From General Nursing (SRN), Residential Children’s Nursery Nursing, Occupational Health, Adult Residential Care Home, District Nursing, Specialist Nursing, Lecturer in Nursing in the UK nationally and internationally including those countries in the former Eastern Bloc. Each stage of the journey necessitates the acquisition of additional knowledge and skills to fulfil the mandatory criteria of the differing role personal competency, and satisfaction. This rich tapestry of experience has been like working through the chapters of a book, as each chapter closes another new one has opened. There have been obstacles along the way, but these have provided challenges which on achievement have given life satisfaction. The family have accompanied, adapted and travelled along this journey, the children each involved in differing aspects of nursing opportunities.