Arnold Koerte
Arnold Koerte was born in Rome, raised in Innsbruck and trained at Technische Hochschule Munich. He joined “The Architects Collaborative (TAC)” in Cambridge, MA, in 1962, after graduating from the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD), he worked for Walter Gropius until late 1964 on a number of international projects. In the years to follow, he stayed in contact with Walter and Ise Gropius until the former’s death in 1969. The author taught at the University of Manitoba in Canada, where he co-founded the “Centre for Settlement Studies” and set up his own practice. After his return to Germany in 1972, he became Professor at Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach and Institute of Technology Darmstadt. Today, he is living and working in Berlin on projects of urban rehabilitation and adaptive re-use.