Motivation Monday - 5 Ways to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing
After a weekend of relaxation, some writers struggle to get their creative juices flowing again come Monday. However, the beginning of the week is a crucial time for generating fresh ideas. We have put together a simple guide dedicated to helping you find your Monday mojo, providing you with tips and tricks that’ll help you put pen to paper.
1. Read
This may seem like a very simple notion, but the more that you read the more likely you are to discover novel things (we promise that pun wasn’t intended). Try reading a genre that you wouldn’t usually pick. These new characters, scenarios and themes may inspire something in your writing.
2. Make notes or take photographs wherever you go
Inspiration can be found in the most unlikely of places. By making a conscious effort to observe your environment, you are less likely to overlook what could potentially help form the framework for your next story.
3. Make a list
Organising your thoughts is a great way to help with creative ideas. Frequently revisits the lists you make. A fresh day will provide new thoughts and will help to prompt old ideas when looking for inspiration.
4. Collaborate
Ever find yourself saying “why didn’t I think of that!?” Discussing your thoughts with others can help you gain a fresh perspective. We all view the world in different ways, so your friends and family can provide you with valuable ideas and new insights.
5. Keep writing
Often ideas seem to flow from your mind when you least expect them to. Writing down what you’re thinking in the moment can often trigger new thoughts. Once you are immersed in your writing, new ideas can continuously spark up. Comment below and let us know what you do when you are looking for idea inspiration for a chance to feature in a follow up blog.
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