Luc Wenger, the world-famous classical singer better known by his stage name, Sebastian, finds himself at a crossroads after parting ways with his long-term assistant. To blow off steam, he hits the slopes, where fate awaits in the form of a novice skier in distress.That skier is the enchanting Angharad. This serendipitous rescue spirals into a whirlwind of change for them both: Luc finds in Angharad a refreshing and passionate assistant, while she gets a front-row seat to a glamorous world of music and opulence she’d never imagined.Yet, amidst the glitz and harmony, emotions begin to stir. And even as they both vow to keep their relationship strictly professional, destiny might have other plans. Dive into a tale where music, passion, and chance encounters compose the most unexpected love song.
Lydia Benham is a retired teacher of foreign languages; it has long been her ambition to write a novel. With her family background of Welsh/German parentage and an army upbringing, her novels reflect her love of languages, travel, skiing and music.
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