Simão, the protagonist of The Spiral Of A Dream, is a young university student who enrolls at the University of Évora with aspirations of becoming a writer, only to find himself plunging into an existential spiral as he transitions into adulthood.In the first part of this trilogy, The Medium, we encounter a myriad of characters who reflect and embody a generation on the brink. Their personalities are so relatable that we will find echoes from our own lives.The story immerses the reader as a crew member on a ship of self-discovery, navigating a constantly evolving literary landscape. It’s a magical journey, an odyssey that invites us to revisit multiple times.The narrative will resonate deeply, as we all navigate the same turbulent waters of the human soul, revealed in the ever-changing bridge across the sea of time.
Válter Filipe Nogueira began developing his own voice by writing poetry during adolescence. Later, he would go on to accumulate an array of professions, which would drive and fuel his writing. At the University of Évora he studied Literature and Arts, exploring video, theatre, and performance.
About his present little is known…
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