Dive into the enchanting world of traditional folklore legends from the tiny island nation of Trinidad and Tobago, where tales dating back to the 1780s, the era of slavery in the West Indies, have been kept alive for generations. In this captivating collection, seven unique stories are masterfully crafted in various literary genres, each one immediately grabbing the reader’s attention and holding it until the very end. These legends, originally told and celebrated in Africa, were passed down through generations of slaves who preserved them in the Caribbean islands.
As the title suggests, these timeless stories have been skillfully adapted to fit within the context of today’s society while maintaining the authentic portrayals and power of the seven folklore characters: The Soucouyant, Papa Bois, The Douen, The Silk-cotton tree, The Obeah-man, La Diablesse, and Bad-Eye. The main characters, including children, find themselves entangled in intricate and thrilling plots that reach a climax with the appearance and intervention of the featured folklore character. This book offers a rare opportunity for readers, both those familiar with Trinidadian folklore and those who have yet to discover its magic, to be enlightened and entertained.