In backwoods peninsular South Carolina live diverse characters including over-the-top cops, naive moronic crackers, the plainly mad, a Nazi war criminal and his nemeses, tempestuous lovers, and more. In a wonderfully out-of-place Scottish castle lives a very clever man with a hook for a hand. A greedy businessman tries taking everything not nailed down, while a beautiful, intelligent reporter is sent to this purgatory for her sins. An odd township of throwbacks and the criminally insane, many endowed with a Byronic ferocity.The dialogue zooms, crackles, and pops, often wild, nonsensical and counterintuitive, with wild accusations and ridiculous alibis.ONCE READ, NEVER FORGOTTEN!
Kerry Ryan Moore, once a farmer, then a soldier, a public servant and a math tutor, has now pursued diverse passions. He delves into philosophy, physics, and mathematics, finds wonder in the natural world, and cherishes his high-level rugby days. Classical music soothes his soul, while landscapes ignite his paintbrush, and narratives flow from his pen in novels and short stories.
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