The Inspiration for An Atheist View of the Bible came from reading An Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy by C. Dennis McKinsey.My reading of the Old Testament of the King James translation of the Bible, along with the William Buck translation of the Indian epic Mahabharata, has made me look at these ancient stories from a new and modern perspective: a perspective that the ancient scribes could not have possibly imagined and could not describe what they witnessed.The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins is an exceptionally good example of an alternative view on harmful medieval religious dogma.The Bible Unearthed by Israel Finkelstein challenges the fundamentalist reading and offers a controversial perspective the Bible.There is a growing interest in our ancient past, with the desire of many people to find the real truth behind the one-sided history that has been accepted and taught for far too long.
Anthony’s search for authentic knowledge, after reading other patient academic authors, led to his future research into ancient history. This exploration prompted a shift in his belief regarding the validity of the Bible as a historical document.
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