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By: Zubair Mulla


Pages: 88 Ratings: 5.0
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Maybe you were hit on the blind side of life, experiencing real discoveries, living off the sixes of a dice, trauma-gripped powering through, but holding on to something that just was not true.

Now there’s a dark light in you, it will walk the path of the master devil in situ, dark energy will pass through, with hell throwing spanner's in kind, simply to be rid of you.

Drafting a reality of your life with words, allergic to average, continuing to overthink the verbs, by practice of patience marking the tomorrows with your innovated verse.

How to battle a problem that has no rule? When did public entities become so cruel? This thought has spun so many views, but these days even Britain's finest don't have a clue, indecisive it remains, your patience must simply be insane.

Life is certainly not a problem to be solved, a toxic reality experienced will never go untold. Many vain attempts will be made to make you unfold, breaking into your reality, squeezed against the goodness of your halo soul.

Confessions by Zubair Mulla ponders over all this and more.

The author originates from Lancashire, England, holding an academic background in legal, private investigation and information technology.

The writing captures the journey of an individual confronting mental health, a survivor from a fine line of an end.  Learning to live again cautiously, muddling through a life that has brought about deep understanding of mental tolerance and patience.

A soul that is fed with curiosity and willingness to learn, to understand, endure and overcome. This tenacity is a fundamental part of his personality, what makes him unique in drive, determination and ultimately peace.

Forming a collection of words built up of experiences, lonely enduring challenges, the chaos in his mind and the outcomes.  Writing became his therapy to understand what made him rain, so he could shine, leaving an astute diary of his confessions.

Customer Reviews
44 reviews
44 reviews
  • Jake Lucas

    Well written, was captivated until the end. Certainly one of the best books I have read..

  • Craig Simpson

    I am really enjoying reading this collection, the words so make you connect to the strain the writer was under, without doubt decide, commit, act and repeat, a marvellous outcome.

  • Janie Crawford

    An absolutely exciting read, with playful use of words to draw meaning and visual layout. A bold collection of short stories describing loss, betrayal, difficulty, complications and survival brought to life in many different dimensions. Totally feel the grief...

  • Zack El benna

    The word perfect may be less than enough to describe this masterpiece. This book is a great read for all ages in particular those who need a push in certain stages of life, just as in my case.

    It is a hugely an inspiring book and very informative, full of ideas, tips and conclusions summarized from a life of endurance, that I so relate to as such will many others.

    This makes me excited about the next book. Keep hustling...

  • Irfy-Nator

    Not many words as the words are all in the with a lifetime experience!

  • MMall

    Well what can I say, I am truly lost for words. This read is so captivating and been so hard to put down at times and in some instances I could not hold my emotions. Its definitely hits you in many ways. Absolute masterpiece with the true life feeling sentences places together with such strong statements. Repeated some of the parts of the book again, just cannot explain why but can say this that I could not believe one could go through such a trial and be strong to keep on going through life. Very good with the wording but it really takes you to hard place, almost feel the pain, the happiness and heartfelt emotions . Well Done to the Author & really proud that you was able to create this read which must have been very tough to go through. Thank you & all the best with the book.

  • Emma Reeds

    A friend purchased this book and I was left reading it through my breaks at work. The writer has a real control over the use of his words and was practically able to resonate the feelings, anxiety and pain the writer was conveying. I am not much of a reader, and this book was only read as it was available to read. I have now purchased my own copy. A well written an awesome book of real life experiences my heart bleeds for the writer and I hope he is successful moving on with his life.. I wonder if there will be another book...

  • Grant Richard

    A deeply awesome read.

  • Graeme Henderson

    It is amazing how this writer has dealt with the challenges in his life. We all endure depression in some form, but just as the writer has displayed it is all part of our growth as human beings. A very good book indeed.

  • Tracey Dawson

    How the writer impacts a variance of emotions into one single line really had me overwhelmed, a brutal experience written with so much grace and hope.  I really like this book.

  • Janet Frances

    Had me in tears at so many paragraphs, such a well written collection of short stories, my favorite was 'Reflections', fantastic all round.

  • James Swarbrook

    This is just proof that anybody can beat depression, what a marvellous result, I wish the write a successful life.

  • Salman Yaqub

    It's good to see a British Asian writing about life experiences against systematic persecutions of culture and the balance of civil and social hypocrites a very brave write indeed.

  • John McKay

    I wish I could express my feelings in the way this writer has done. Some parts of this book felt like as if I was peering into my own life, beautifully written.

  • Rachel Hourne

    Such a suitable title for the collection, such an entertaining read, so hard to put down.

  • Daruis Alonzo

    How the writers words deliver a variance of emotions in to one single line really had me overwhelmed, a brutal experience written with so much grace and hope. The stories have made a huge impact as they resonated in me my own experiences, I really like this book.

  • Becky Marshall

    A wonderful and refreshing book to read, absolutely grateful to have had the opportunity to read a well written collection of stories in the life of. Makes me want to give the author a long deep hug. Such a great achievement, bless.

  • Elena Christof

    I picked this book off the shelf at WHSmith. I am presently learning the english language as a second language and this is the first book I have read from which I have felt a series of words elegantly put together a picture in my mind and almost the stress the writer may have been displaying.

    Such a great book, so many meanings..

  • Matej Rana

    Respect to the writer, a very brave write indeed.

  • Professor Elliott Webster

    These all seemed real scenarios to me, like as if the writer was searching for a solution through his own words. Each story well written exhaling the aftershocks of pain and abuse in each piece.  

    A well written book which I certainly shall be using in my health classes, to delivery how helpful therapeutic writing could really be for individuals suffering emotional abuse. This is a fantastic attempt from the writer.

  • Dip Gomez

    This was a really nice book.

  • Jason McPeake

    As far as a story in life off goes, this young man has undoubtedly ridden through some terrible moments. The key to his entire journey was his tenacity to not stop moving.  A marvellous regrowth aspect and is a lovely read with lots of moments of reflection. I would certainly recommend it to my friends, I already used it in my Christmas gifts.

  • Ian Farrell

    If I am, to be honest, the contents of this book have left quite an impact on my everyday life. There are so many examples of thinking in alternate ways, whilst playing out different concepts and taking the peaceful option against the easiest, undoubtedly very tough journey. How the words are strung together provides a visual of what the writer is trying to portray, is just magic. A superb effort and thank you for sharing.

  • Rani Dilshard

    What a nice book to read.

  • Yasmine el takhi

    Awww, lots of cuddles and best wishes to the writer, a fascinating read of short stories.

  • Terence Briggs

    Finally something real that I could relate to, I wish I could express my thoughts and feelings like the writer has, with such descriptive words, to completely visualize what the writer was experiencing.  It must have been a tough ride indeed, but fascinating to read.


    Très inspirant, très touchant

  • Fiona Souval

    What a fabulous read from the beginning till the end. Not many books these days live up to their title, but this was truly a book of Confessions. It's always a hard walk alone, but the resilience in this writer is phenomenal.

  • Kimberley Williams

    Such a tearful read, took me sometime to get through as I had to put it down many a time. The words and how they are strung together really help you build a picture as to the writers experience. A well-written book for sure, I hope the writer does really well in life, he so deserves peace.

  • Zoe Harris

    A really genuine writer, who seems a very talented and unknown writer. 55 beautifully written short stories covering various themes, offering a deep insight into a brutal journey of mental recovery, against the tides of life. I am excited to read what is yet to come from this writer.

  • Hind harrachi

    The book is very impressive
    The language and the term is very helpful to develop my English language
    I’m so lucky to get to know the writer more and more through this book

  • Thia Braithe

    This book was quite an interesting read, how the writer captured his feelings and thoughts, then spectacularly delivered a fabulous collection of short stories.  I must agree with many of the comments, truly a teary read and for sure a mastery of words.

  • Deacon Jones

    The book just totally captured me, talk about drawing a picture in my mind. This writer is a complete unknown, but for a first book, I must admit this guy has a natural ability to write, an absolutely fantastic read for sure. I will certainly be looking out for another publication.

  • J Singh

    Fantastic book and an enjoyable read look forward to the next book.

  • Terry Murphy

    A fantastic read of a collection of short stories.

  • Samuel Gates

    I have found many times in my day, I take a leaf out of the writer's layered character, thrilling how he works his words, delivering an image that just unfolds, in your mind of struggles and challenges along with tenacious growth. An inspiring read for sure, but thoroughly refreshing.

  • Rebecca Ferne

    So beautifully written, and had me in all sorts of moods, a harrowing journey, but he kept on going, a marvelous effort. A**

  • Penny Davis

    Well done, I brought your book and I really liked it, so life-like.

  • Laura Turnbull

    This book had everything in it. I was completely captured by the journey and is one of the very few books I have ever finished reading. It was a pleasure to read.

  • Neil Thornton

    It is nice to read a book that just gives out originality. I can really see how writing out feelings and thoughts helps create solutions. I have walked some paths of the writer, man I wish I had your attitude to keep pushing through, a fabulous collection of stories.

  • Derek Ashworth

    I wish I could write like this, amazing content and a fantastic attitude to life and the challenges endured.

  • Dwayne Johnson

    Fantastic book, hope to read more.

  • Martina Marte

    Nice book to read, felt so real.

  • Laura Carlos

    This book has it all sadness, challenges, retaliation, overwhelming emotions, and peace. I look forward to reading more from this writer.

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