Born into adversity, Calliyah’s life takes an unexpected turn when Fate intervenes, guiding her away from the confines of her provincial village and propelling her towards a destiny she never could have imagined. As she journeys through the Five Kingdoms, each year brings new challenges, opportunities, and friendships that shape her in ways no one could have foreseen.
Unbeknownst to Calliyah, her path is intricately linked to the future of the diverse peoples inhabiting the Five Kingdoms, a future threatened by a vicious, brutal, and ancient enemy. As the gravity of her role becomes clear, Calliyah finds herself at the epicenter of a struggle that will determine the fate of the entire world she knows.
But Calliyah’s destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a carefully crafted plan, mapped out by the Goddess herself. As Calliyah navigates the twists and turns of her journey, she must learn to embrace her true purpose and rise to the challenges that await her, for the sake of all those who depend on her courage and determination.