Andrew Bowman’s debut novel takes a whimsical twist on a classic tale, setting the stage with an eviction officer’s seemingly straightforward task turned awry. Tasked with evicting three brothers from their makeshift homes, our protagonist finds himself in a series of unexpectedly disastrous – and hilariously recounted – situations. From houses of straw and sticks to a sturdy brick abode, each encounter escalates in this cleverly inverted narrative. With humour, unexpected turns, and a fresh perspective on a familiar story, Bowman crafts a tale of mishaps, resilience, and the quest for a new job.Every Tale Has Two Sides promises a journey filled with laughter, reflection, and the reminder that there’s always another side to the story.
Born in 1983 in Germany while his father was serving in the British Military, Andy Bowman grew up with a love of books and literature. Although his teachers all said he had potential, Andy had his sights set on a life in the military. Joining the Royal Signals at 17 and leaving when he was 26 after a tour of duty in Afghanistan left him with PTSD. His love of books has never left him and its with that love he decided to start writing.
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