Through the humdrum of lovers’ quarrels, the consequences of losing a loved one, a glimpse into the souls of flowers, and the hazards of space travel, these tales challenge what we too often take for granted: reality.
Feeling lonely or isolated? Perhaps, like Jana, you should step into one of the blue BLM booths that have appeared around the city. (The Big Love Machine)
Two lovers, flush with a big lottery win, struggle to decide how to spend their newfound fortune – until a shocking twist changes everything. (Blood Calls to Blood)
Planet XBC seems perfect for settlers, but a mysterious cube raises unsettling questions. (Time, Fickle Time)
Was the handsome and devoted Tony truly the ideal companion? And can Isla ever move on from mourning him? (Sleeping Beauty #16)
Imagine being chosen to sleep for a century until Earth recovers from climate change. What kind of society would you wake up to? (Anamnesis)
These stories explore what falls out when the fabric of reality is shaken.