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Have Not Charity - Volume 1: Sins and Volume 2: Virtues-bookcover

By: Alexandr Korol

Have Not Charity - Volume 1: Sins and Volume 2: Virtues

Pages: 212 Ratings: 5.0
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Have Not Charity is a fascinating and profound investigation into deep and important concepts which have become obscure in modern times: sin and virtue. Alexandr Korol examines what motivates people in their actions, how goals and behaviours align, and how these are all affected both for good and ill both by virtue and by sin. He seeks to show that many ‘good’ deeds are in fact motivated by sin.

This is a true modern work of ethics, in the classical sense, a guide for a better life. If you have ever hoped to gain a clearer and fuller understanding of how society and life work, this book will prove invaluable.

The writer, Alexandr Korol, was born in Saint Petersburg on the 12th of September 1990.

In 2006, Alexandr started to write his diary for the first time, where he noted his thoughts on traditional life questions: why children don’t listen to their parents? Why do people lie to each other? Why don’t people do what they like? As well as other thoughts about human relationships…

In 2008, Alexandr published his first book, named Answer, it was a compilation of author’s candid thoughts from the diary. Same year, the writer adopted his mother’s maiden name and since then he has written under “Alexandr Korol”. His book Answer attracted a lot of public attention. The project became a success; Alexandr created his first YouTube video where he shared his views about the world and society. The video brought even more public interest to the writer. Video was re-posted on social networks and received more than 1 million views.

By 2018, Alexandr finished more than 10 books with a collection of thoughts from a personal diary. All of the books were available for free download on his website. The same year, the book Corridor was published and became a bestseller. In this book, Alexandr proposes the concept of frequency in regards to social standing and psychological state of each person. Frequency is a combination of elements of everyday life that is used by every one of us: music, movies, clothes, people around us—all of it influences the person’s life. In Corridor, the author explains how to move from one frequency to another and which elements help or harm. In 2018, Alexandr decided to present the book to public during the event in the concert hall in Saint Petersburg, which was a wide success and attended by almost a thousand people.

Later in 2018, the second book, Paradox, was published. This book is a collection of separate non-fiction short stories about unexplainable events in the author’s life. This diary-like book most appeals to creative and free-spirited people who believe in wonders and live by feelings. Many readers called this book a “food for the soul”. The second part of this book, Paradox 2.0, was published in 2021. The book has the same structure and motivation to make a reader look at himself and everyday events from a different and unusual perspective.

Attention Control is a new book by the author that aims to help those who have trouble to concentrate and have problems steering their life in the right direction. The ability to control how to spend your attention is the essential part of a conscious human. This book is published in 2023.

The second book of 2023 is about women and men, friendship and friends, about relationships between parents and children and about what real love is. The author explains and gives examples of men and women’s behaviour in different social strata. This book will help a reader understand themselves and other people, and build harmonious relationships with friends and loved ones.

All above books can be downloaded from the author’s website:

In 2022, Alexandr finished his two-part book Have Not Charity. This book is an exploration of relatively obscure subjects, in modern times, as sins and virtues. In 2 parts of the book, the author attempts to explain what motivates people, how life goals and peoples behaviours are affected by sins or virtues. He shows that so many “good” deeds are in fact motivated by sins. This is a modern book of ethics; the guidance for a better life. This book is an attempt to explain how society and life work. The title of the book was taken from Bible 1 Corinthians, 13-2: “and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.”

Customer Reviews
109 reviews
109 reviews
  • Alla Maria

    This book is amazing. Firstly it’s a pleasure to read it like talking to a wise person. Secondly it gives tones of precious information on how our human brain works and for many people it may be an “eye opener”. The book is both food for one’s soul and practical, it has a power to improve one’s life.

  • Adel

    Thank you, I read it in Russian and it was a discovery for me, I looked at a lot with a different look.
    I am waiting for a book in English from the best publishing house with the best modern author

  • Dan

    There is so much truth in your books. Thank you!

  • Lev and Aleksandra

    This is a book that every person should read, you don't have to read anything else.

    In two volumes, the author explained in simple and understandable language how everything works, what motivates us and why, how we lose ourselves in this, what, on the contrary, helps us become better and makes us happier.

    The book is written in such a way that you are not just a reader, you change in the process of reading, you realize and accept the qualities that are in you.

    While reading, I observed how changes were happening inside me, how my perception of myself was changing, I began to make new decisions, choices out of goodness and love.

    There was also an understanding of how to improve areas of my life, more self-confidence, inspiration and a desire to cultivate good qualities.

    I remembered what I once loved, my interests, began to pay less attention to external things, focused on my development and realization, set priorities, relationships with loved ones became warmer. And this is a very valuable effect from reading the book.

    Our future depends on what qualities, sins or virtues prevail in us. What kind of world we will live in depends on us. And we have the power to choose what will be the basis, what values we cultivate through our actions, choices and behavior. So let's cultivate the bright, the good, the good, changing together.

    I thank Alexander for this very valuable work and information.

  • Bogdan Dziuba

    After reading this book, my life really changed before and after, because it was in it that I found clear and understandable answers to the question of what sins and virtues really are and, most importantly, how to influence them.. many thanks to Alexander for works and this book.

  • Iana

    Amazing book, a nice guide to better life.

  • Milena Ugurchieva

    one of the greatest pieces of writing work that can be handed to human’s hands… why ? it gives you the total understanding of your own self, others and the world you live in… in this book Alexandr explains and discuss the BASIS of humanity… all I can express is gratitude for this work .

  • Andrey Barsukov

    A great book, the author talks in simple language about things that affect us every day, but we may not even notice it. The book helps to look at the world and at yourself from the side. A book that allows you to improve yourself

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