The author has captured in words and lavish illustrations (many of his own that have never been seen before), the stories of over one hundred men and women whose personal motor racing journeys paved the way to establish and explode this sport. They did so both locally and overseas, showing that Aussies were as good as the world’s best when it came to not only skill behind the wheel but also in the design and manufacture of the fastest cars, and in organising events of the highest level and regard.
Most of these names are extremely well known by all Aussie petrol heads-household names admired around any backyard barbecue. Just the mention of their names brings nods of respect. But you will additionally read accounts of some very significant lives and racing achievements you previously knew nothing about-and some are quite simply amazing.
There’s our first woman to race commercially overseas. Just how she got there is incredible. Then you share the exploits of an illegal inter-capital record holder who went to New Zealand to break the land speed record, the farmers whose sons and grandsons became racing dynasties, and the home-grown mechanics and car builders whose designs obliterated all competition.
Strap yourself in and hang on. It’s gonna be a bloody wild ride!