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Rhymes of Life and Love-bookcover

By: Houda Younes

Rhymes of Life and Love

Pages: 66 Ratings: 4.0
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Can we ever figure out what life is about? Dig deep into the rhyming symphonies of enticing love, fly over the dazzling winds of ambition, push through the bright lightening of daily struggles, and always remember: It will definitely shine after the darkness!

This book is a collection of poems written across many years of social and emotional explorations that we go through in life. “Rhymes of Life” focus on the social aspects such as self-help topics, family relationships, friendship, life-changing decisions, social struggles, … “Rhymes of Love” focus on romantic relationships all the way from falling in love to dealing with break-ups and then moving on.

Houda Younes is a Lebanese writer and educator. After completing her bachelor’s degree in Biology and a Master’s degree in Food Science at the University of Balamand, she became a biology and chemistry educator. Currently, she is pursuing another Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw.
Implementing her scientific background in students’ academic life was very enjoyable, but guiding them through their teenage years was her foremost delight. As she delved into their dreams and ambitions, they ignited an old flame of one of her dearest passions in life. She started writing and editing science school books and manuals, but above all that, she dived back into the beautiful world of poetry. Her poems fostered her childhood’s imagination, her adolescent struggles, and her adulthood’s reflections on life. Houda believes that poetry is a therapeutic sanctuary for the sorrows and joys of memorable moments that unite people.

Customer Reviews
1 reviews
1 reviews
  • Laura Hawryluck

    Ms Younes’ poems delve into our vulnerabilities and our humanity, ask us to understand our challenges and encourage us to go on, to be strong- throughout our relationships, our experiences in and out of love, throughout our lives. A book to remind us to breathe, that rain will pass and, in my favourite poem of all, that “it takes five minutes only…” to do the small yet most precious things in life. Something we all need to remember. Well worth the read!!

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