Best Book Publishers UK | Austin Macauley Publishers

By: Marvin Dixon


Pages: 184 Ratings:
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Former undercover police officer Justin Kell has settled into life as a financial journalist in the City of London. When he comes across a suspicious case of accidental death, his investigation leads him to Henry Gray, an unfulfilled soul whose life is dramatically changed by a series of coincidental events. Driven by his desire to establish the truth, Kell finds himself thrust into the world of organised crime whose cynical and ruthless exploitation of the lives of innocent people reawakens his nightmares from his time in the force.

In 2012 Marvin Dixon had the idea for a crime thriller based in the City of London. Drawn from some of his own experiences in the world of financial services, Settlement became his debut novel. Now retired and living in West Yorkshire, writing is his passion.

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