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Shaw Vengeance-bookcover

By: Xavier Wallace

Shaw Vengeance

Pages: 282 Ratings:
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Amid an escalating series of attacks, Australian Intelligence Service Agent Max 'Prince' Shaw hunts for the leader of a local terror group, known as The Pilot. Driven to stop the unfolding events, Max is thrown into a relentless pursuit across Australia, from Sydney to Canberra and Melbourne. Willing to do whatever it takes to protect the innocent, Max is ruthless and determined, but conflicted, as he is put on a collision course with his past. He is forced to question how he can live the life he always wanted while being the agent the country needs. Is it truly better to have loved and lost, and what would you do to honour your partner's memory and in the name of love? What lengths would you go to to protect your country and its people? When wronged, and in anguish and pain from loss, can you make it right and find peace and closure through vengeance?
Xavier Wallace was born and raised in regional New South Wales. He attended the University of Newcastle, where he studied business, before moving to Canberra to work for the Australian Government in various fields for almost a decade. Xavier has an enthusiastic curiosity in politics, government, national security, journalism, philosophy and history. He is a strong advocate for equality and human rights, especially LGBTI+ rights. Live music, thriller novels and action movies are among his interests, as well as spending time with family and friends.
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