This heart-warming and charming series of stories is beautifully written and easy to read, designed to spark children’s curiosity about wildlife and environmental issues. Young readers will be captivated by Mookie’s adventures as he explores his garden and the neighbouring ones, encountering unexpected surprises along the way.
Mookie’s fun-loving, mischievous nature makes him an engaging character who keeps readers entertained while introducing them to a variety of creatures, both big and small. Not all of Mookie’s fellow creatures are his fans, though! Skilled and cunning as he is, he doesn’t always outsmart his foes and often finds himself in sticky situations. Fortunately, with a little human help, he always manages to escape unscathed.
Through Mookie’s light-hearted adventures, young readers will gain a deeper appreciation of the natural world and learn how they, too, can help nurture and protect it.