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The Curse Is Lifted-bookcover

By: Sylvie Gallimore

The Curse Is Lifted

Pages: 306 Ratings:
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This third book in the series ties up all the loose ends. The Curse is Lifted is about George William, the son of George Southerly – the late Earl of Wetherley – and a laundry maid named Freda Prout. The young woman and her infant son were discovered by Dorothia Mountjoy in the workhouse, and she rescued them and sent them to Hampshire before her husband-to-be could discover they were still alive. She told Adam that the woman and child (his half-brother) were dead; it was a lie that cost Dorothia her life.

When George William reached the age of 21, he discovered that he had in trust a large amount of money. The bringers of the news would not disclose to George who his benefactor was, so he set about discovering the facts for himself. His mother, Freda, was worried that George would discover the evil blood that flowed in his veins and also feared that money might turn his head. She did not want her son to know her full history but could see that it was not going to be possible to hide his birth details from him forever. The hunt takes George William to Weston-Under-Wetherley and strangers who know his secret. Will he emulate his evil father or will he follow the lead of his gentle stepfather?

Sylvie is a mother and grandmother who has spent the majority of her time involved in sight related charities, ever since her youngest son lost his sight 20 years ago trying to defuse an incident on a Bristol Street.
Resulting early retirement allowed her to expand her interest in writing.

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