Maddy, a Sentient Seal of the Sentient Shield and Ancient Guardian of the Universe, has spent many incarnations on Earth. As the tsunamis approach and the fate of the planet hangs in the balance, Maddy must once again confront the Halqu, extra terrestrial beings who seek to use Earth's portals for their own gain. The Alignment, a specific time in Earth's history when it plays a pivotal role in its own evolution and that of the Universe, has passed, and Maddy's role as part of the Sentient Shield was crucial in allowing it to take place and defeating the Halqu. As a central character symbolizing the awakening of spiritual consciousness, Maddy represents the power within us all.In The Mists of Memory, the sequel to The Sentient Shield, follow Maddy on her journey through time as she protects Earth and its inhabitants. Though it continues the storyline, this book can also be enjoyed on its own.
The author came to live in South West France in 2005. Discovering the history of the local region rekindled her interest in alternative theories of human spiritual evolution and resulted in writing this book as a way to formulate her ideas.
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