In a world on the brink of multiple conflicts, amidst the backdrop of a relentless pandemic, Bob Ray’s life takes an unforeseen turn. Once a writer, former journalist, and undercover intelligence agent, he had lived for his craft until an unexpected event shattered his existence. As the globe grapples with the shocking behavior and unorthodox style of US President Reginald Dropp, a secret plan unfolds involving Dropp’s old friend and Yale classmate, Peter Simons, the influential president of a major American television news network.Simultaneously, the resignation of the incumbent Pope gives rise to Lazarus Primus, a young, agile American cardinal of Jewish origin, who astounds the world by becoming the new head of the Catholic Church. Amidst these intriguing developments, the Holy Shroud of Jesus mysteriously disappears from the Turin Cathedral, defying the initial suspicions of a simple robbery. With the world’s attention gripped by the relentless pandemic, a profound journey of faith and silence commences, while a chain of unforeseen events upends all preconceived plans, altering the destiny of the entire world.
Joss Bernet is a writer, screenwriter, film director and producer, cultural diplomat, has worked in movie business for the last twenty years in several countries. He is active in cultural international relations, foreign affairs and working as executive director and expert for different companies through Europe.
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