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Til Death We Do Part, Too-bookcover

By: Bruno Beaches

Til Death We Do Part, Too

Pages: 340 Ratings: 4.6
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Recovering from a devastating marital failure of years earlier, Pablo meets the supernal Hellion. She seems wonderful, and it is love at first sight, and they marry quickly. However, not all is rosy in the garden, and a lifetime’s baggage rears its ugly head. Pablo’s ex-wife re-establishes contact with him, and he desperately seeks to exorcise the demons of that betrayal and divorce, but he gets drawn into a double life. Then, one shocking day, Hellion goes to work, and inexplicably, and without warning, fails to return home. Now he has to try to understand another devastating, bewildering calamity.

Til Death We Do Part, Too is a story that scrutinises the impact of unfinished business, baggage, emotional damage, and lingering love. It balances heart-breaking loss with resilience, disorientation with hope, and desperation and bitterness with true enduring love and understanding. There is much insight into the reality of relationships and the frailty of the human psyche. It is told with immense depth of feeling, humour, and faith.

The author is a retired police officer who has had a lot of life experience. He was married to his first wife for thirty years and they raised four children. Following a divorce, he married again and divorced just three years later. Apart from writing, he plays the piano, loves gardening and has carried out a lot of DIY building projects in his spare time. He is a ‘people person’, and has always taken a keen interest in behavioural psychology and relationships.

Customer Reviews
41 reviews
41 reviews
  • Reading_ Tamishly

    My heart is broken. Yet life is hopeful. Beautiful book!

    A well-written sequel to Til Death We Do Part.

    Along with an introduction of an interesting new character and the plot revolving around them, the sequel has much more impact with a chance of some intense major turns in the story which will leave you baffled making you wonder about how the story would end.

    The series offers a very realistic story about marriage and relationships, from the perspectives of all the parties involved.

    After facing a painful complicated divorce, Pablo has to face his first wife again as she tries to come back while Pablo is still trying to figure out his relationship with an amazing woman, Hellion.

    I find the writing more heartfelt and there's a huge development in the parts of the characters.

    I wasn't expecting the sequel to be this fast-paced and more intense than the first book but it surprised me.

    I read the book during a time I was emotionally exhausted and was in a huge reading slump because of all the books I wasn't enjoying reading.

    This book made a huge difference there.
    Once I opened up the book I couldn't stop reading it as I felt more connected to the main character.

    Pablo is realistic, practical, in sync with his feelings and emotions.

    It's the dialogues between Pablo and the other two characters which gave much food for thought regarding relationships and marriage.

    It did make me cry more than I did while reading the first book. But the sequel provided much hope for second chances as well as the chances we must give ourselves when it comes to relationships.

    Such an emotional ride I would say! The story, the writing, and the characters explored in-depth the complicated adult relationships as to how much they can build or destroy a person.

    It's a story of hope amidst all the heartbreak and bitterness.

    I appreciate how the title and the book cover are much in tune with the first book.

    ***I was in a whole other world for days after reading this book and couldn't pick up another book for a long time as it has left a huge impact on me***


    Till Death We Do Part Too is an intimate and raw novel that continues Pablo's story, the Author Bruno returns with an emotionally raw page-turner capturing the amazing side of a happy marriage, while at the same time connecting with the struggles of having one's expectation of the "perfect life" not being met!
    The book demands your attention from the first and last page and we get to hear from all the main characters' perspectives, their personalities are developed in a very mature and compelling manner that I found so intriguing!

    The second part melts some mind-blowing topics that the Author has elaborated on in fascinating detail, I loved how fast-paced is the book because we get a lot of performances from the characters, from the divorce to the marriage of Pablo with Hellion (new character) this was intense with some brutal honesty scenes and the surprises weren't absent! The book is a very realistic exploration of a broken marriage, a new marriage, and connecting the past relationships with the present!

    Till Death We Do Part Too has suspense, beautiful scenes, and inspirational anecdotes, I just loved the whole concept of the book, it is surprising and delightful that seeks hope in the very darkest moments and the dialogues are deliciously entertaining! This one was a 5/5 and I highly recommend you to read it, for fans of Nicholas Sparks and Elin Hildebrand this is a fabulous read, it is funny, sad, emotional, and utterly absorbing, I just couldn't put it down!

  • Trishita Das

    Recuperating from a staggering marriage disappointment for so many years, Pablo finally meets Hellion. She appears to be brilliant, and it is all-consuming instant adoration, and they get married rapidly. However, Pablo is completely not over his ex-wife. He still tries to contact her often but there’s no such effort from his ex-wife’s side. In any case, not everything is smooth in life and not everything happens according to our expectations. After his marriage with Hellion, Pablo’s ex-wife restores contact with him, and he frantically tries to balance his past life and his new beginning. He gets brought into a two-fold life. Then, one stunning day, Hellion goes to work, and mysteriously, and all of a sudden neglect to get back home. Presently, Pablo needs to attempt to comprehend another staggering, puzzling catastrophe.

    “Til Death, We Do Part, too” is the continuation of “Til Death, We Do Part” written by Bruno Beaches. Frankly, the readers might feel that the story was moving at a sluggish speed in some cases, however, that is the quintessence to inundate the feelings portrayed in this book. The book offers an exceptionally sensible anecdote about marriage and connections. How the author has still kept a hopeful standpoint towards the things in the wake of going through so much all through the story with his astounding funny bone attempted to satisfy the readers says a lot about the incredible character he is. Likewise, the details identified with brain research are delightfully introduced. The cover is noteworthy as well. It is a story that investigates the effect of incomplete marriage, passionate harm, confusion with trust, sharpness with genuine suffering adoration, and comprehension. The story is told with the enormous profundity of feeling, humor, and confidence.

    I felt the personality of the male character Pablo to be very vulnerable a few times when he did his part productively yet got faulted for what he didn’t do. Other than the fundamental characters, Henry was my top pick, a genuine companion to Pablo. This isn’t an account of pity or hurt, rather a story discussing the stuff to fabricate a solid relationship and the stuff for it to turn out to be so delicate, so helpless. The story is so legit and genuine, it brings the readers into the profound passionate good and bad times until the readers are bleary-eyed and sad. The setting in which the enthusiastic account is conveyed is retaining and stunning, deserving to be a blend of thrill in the story. I enjoyed how the principal characters are so matured yet are introduced with inclinations, and we wind up pulling for them. It is sprinkled with mind and astuteness and this makes this book an extraordinary read for everybody who is genuinely keen on reinforcing their connections, and quick to be wavier of advanced traps.

  • Dipshikha Mohanty

    This book is a sequel to "Till Death We do Part".
    This story surveys the impact of the rough franchises, cases, emotional hurt, and enduring love. It balances heart-breaking loss with perseverance, perplexity with hope, and anguish and bitterness with true love and understanding.
    It describes the perception of the reality of relationships and the weakness of the human soul which has been scripted with immense depth of feeling, humour, and faith.

    The story is about PABLO and DELILAH.
    They were leading a happy life until things started falling apart and they got divorced.

    Life become a whole mess for Pablo, as he loved Delilah wholeheartedly. He tried a lot to sort out the differences but nothing worked. He found it difficult to move ahead and kept texting Delilah thinking that someday she might change her mind.
    As it's well known to everyone, Time heals.
    Pablo even started to move ahead in life.
    Then, he met Hellion. She is a wonderful woman. They started to spend time together, bonded well, and after a month or a few got married.
    However, it is not roses always, even roses have thorns, and lifetime baggage takes its ugly turn. When Pablo's ex-wife re-establishes contacts with him. And, the demon in him wants to take revenge on her for the betrayal and divorce but, he doesn't know as he is getting drawn towards a double life.
    And, Suddenly one-day Hellion goes to work, inexplicably, without any warning fails to return home...

    To know more about the devastating calamity of Pablo's life. Read this wonderful book.

    Must read this amazing book.

  • Bruno Beaches

    This is a story of intrigue and complexity that can be borne out of everyday events and is as unpredictable and twisted as any contrived thriller. Instead of being absorbed in the trivial, mushy, disingenuous, weedy appeasement that most people hide behind when dismissing the impact of a broken love, this story boldly confronts the impact of fundamental differences between the sexes, and the awfulness of confusion arising from ignorance, failure to understand, and the lingering taste and impact of past loves. Poor old Pablo is given the challenge of dealing with sudden, nauseating, shattering loss and betrayal once again, and once more, he relentlessly pursues understanding, so that his life can make sense, and so that he can survive with some dignity and hope. He eschews base instincts to be bitter, resentful, and broken, and sets an example of contrition, learning, and unquenchable optimism. We can relate to the blemishes and frailties of human nature, but also celebrate the indomitable human spirit that doggedly strives for peace and love.

  • Akhila Saroha

    Bruno Beaches has the skill to stir the readers’ emotions effortlessly through his simplistic narrative and purity of thoughts in the minds of his characters. After successfully establishing his legacy through his earlier novel “Till Death We Do Part,” he comes with the second installment, “Till Death We Do Part, Too.” Set in the heart of the lands of the UK, the second installment focuses on Pablo and his life in the latter stages after the plot of the prequel.
    Although Beaches chooses to keep the narrative linear and straightforward, most of the action unveils through the consciousness of Pablo, and the readers see all the people in his life through his eyes. Yet, they get enough space to examine the characters objectively. For one section of the novel, the compassionate Pablo seems to have found the lighthouse of his life, perhaps which he had been looking for a long time. However, later, the actions of other characters make the readers wonder and ponder over human nature and its dynamics. While, for once, it seems unacceptable, yet they have to digest it since it is the reality, and they admit it too.
    This gives “Till Death We Do Part, Too” a realistic touch and redefines Beaches’ style of literary writing. At the same time, the conversations of Pablo and his close friend suggest a strong desire for connection and companionship, which goes beyond the physical aspect. Since it is an emotion, it is not easy to construct and explain. But through Pablo, the author highlights the significance of family and friends, the crucial role the sense of belonging has in a person’s life, the requirement of a conversation at the end of the day, the strength it gives to fight all odds.
    The presence of a middle-aged protagonist in Beaches’ “Till Death We Do Part, Too” does not imply the reader-base being restricted to the grown-up readers only. The book can be read with equal interest by younger readers not just to read about the life of the protagonist but also to understand the depth of emotional needs of a person and how vital they are in a person’s life.
    Therefore, all readers are recommended “Till Death We Do Part, Too” to read about the different stages of life, their beauty, and how things change with every passing year.

  • Aishwarya

    "They were all wrong, and in the end, he was the only one who was right. He was thankful that he never allowed their blinkered viewpoints to cloud his judgment, or to extinguish his undying faith in her."

    Pablo was a passionate cop and a loving husband. As we have all read in 1st part of this book, how he encounters hardships in his marriage and work-life and things fall apart.

    This book begins holding up hope for Pablo's life when he met Hellion and felt a connection, chemistry between the two. He soon gets engaged with her striving for a fortunate future and struggling to forget his ex-wife Delilah, who unexpectedly starts contacting him and he falls for the temptation as he loved her.

    Things came to be fateful when one-day Hellion disappears leaving Pablo all alone with his misery.

    Who was behind the disappearance?
    Why does Delilah return?
    What choice will Pablo make?

    This book tells a tale of mature love and relationship. A relationship requires never-ending care and nurture to stay alive in this world. Sometimes you cant stay with the person you love or loved because of the difference you hold. Not every difference can be compromised. Moving on is the only solution human has.

    This book deals with the intricacy of marriage, complications of human emotions, and beliefs. It's a thick book so took time for me to complete it. Its language and vocabulary are lucid and easy to understand.
    Taking observations from his personal life author has jotted down this book in an engaging narrative with diverse characters and individualities.
    If you like reading contemporary fiction this book is a decent choice for you.

  • Book Monk

    This is a different story compared to other contemporary romance fiction works. This allowed the reader to think from a different perspective.

    The story is a sequel to its first part. As I read the first part, it's about Pablo who was having a normal life with a good marriage but near to his retirement age, he got many hurdles at once. He found himself shockingly dismissed, divorced, without a home, and with a criminal record.

    Now, in this sequel, Pablo finds it hard to move on as he hasn't got the closure he deserved. He is continuously messaging his ex-wife Delilah. And she has never responded in five years.

    However, he met a woman, Hellion, of his age and felt a connection. They started dating and fell in love but except physical lovemaking. Hellion was totally uncomfortable with it and it put Pablo off. Nevertheless, they were okay being with each other.

    Then, Delilah responds to Pablo and they start having regular conversations, mostly arguing over past events. This made Pablo somewhat at peace.

    I found Pablo's behaviour weird sometimes. He was unnecessarily digging the past. But we can't judge him actually. Being in the second innings of life, no one can expect their life to turn upside down.

    Overall, this is an unusual story of emotions, love heartbreak, adult feelings, marriage failure, etc. The characters are well developed. The writing style is interesting. It's recommended to contemporary fiction readers.

  • Pratibha Malav

    "Til Death We Do Part Too" by Bruno Beaches is the sequel to 'Til Death We Do Part'. There couldn't be a better continuation to the previous story than this one which revolves around Pablo who was leading a wonderful married life with Delilah, his wife, and children. As the story moved forward, Pablo fell into unfortunate situations and also got divorced. It was quite painful and complicated.

    Pablo didn't embrace the change like a normal person, how could he when he loved his wife more than he loved himself? He kept hoping for Delilah's return and tried to keep himself sane.
    The sequel has much more to offer to its readers. As they say, time heals wounds. Pablo meets an amazing woman Hellion and with time, they come closer to each other. However, Pablo can't get his divorced wife out of his head and ends up texting her.
    Why did Delilah leave Pablo in the first place?
    How will Hellion feel about Pablo messaging his ex-wife?
    Is Pablo's decision of marrying Hellion right?

    The author again touched my heart with his brilliant writing skills. He beautifully penned Pablo's frustrations, dilemmas, pain, and agony.
    The book sends a sweet message to all readers out there, that we should never take other people for granted and happiness can be found even in the darkest times if you manage to stay hopeful. It also gives valuable advices about relationships. The sequel is fast-paced and has the potential to make a huge difference to someone who'll relate to it.

  • Sanjay Kumar

    It is a sequel to Til Death We Do Part.
    The story is very emotional and makes your heart bleed. The story is very unique and interesting.

    This story is about Pablo, who was leading a happy married life with his wife Delilah, but suddenly, their marriage failed after 30 years of a long-lasting relationship.
    The story turns ......
    While battling with emotions and struggling through life he meets Hellion. She seems wonderful, and it is love at first sight.
    Soon they grow close and fall for each other quickly and within a few months, they get married. Pablo is realistic, practical, in sync with his feelings and emotions.

    What happened next....?

    A perfect book. The narration style is really amazing. The cover looks attractive and eye-catching. The plot is very nice. I really appreciated the author of this wonderful book. I would definitely recommend to everyone.

  • Rohan

    This is a heartbreaking story of an honest and hardworking retired police officer, Pablo.

    Pablo is a hardworking, upstanding police officer, proud of his long marriage and lovely family. Through decades of quiet dedication and single-minded devotion, he has achieved the successes one strives for in life, both with his family and career. The series offers a very realistic story about marriage and relationships, from the perspectives of all the parties involved.

    After facing a painful complicated divorce, Pablo has to face his first wife again as she tries to come back, while Pablo is still trying to figure out his relationship with an amazing woman, Hellion.

    Pablo's life was so perfect and he too was such a good man but fate hit him so hard with so much to go through.

    The plot is fantastic and covers too. Will recommend everyone to read this great book.

  • Debajit Dutta

    Til Death We Do Part, Too by Bruno Beaches is a fictional story. Pablo who was a hardworking police officer loses everything in a blink of an eye, was dismissed from his job, divorced, and homeless.

    Pablo meets Hellion and falls in love with her, soon they get married. Meanwhile, his ex-wife, Delilah, tries to contact him. They start having arguments on a regular basis.

    The story is very close to reality and shows how real-life relationships and marriages are like. Pablo's character is realistic and his dialogues reflect his personality.

    The writing is very detailed and just perfectly shows the personality of each character and their development throughout the story. But I felt it was a bit fast-paced sometimes.

    It was an amazing story and I really felt the emotions of the characters while reading it.

  • Aiysha Khan

    So the story revolves around Pablo, Delilah, and Hellion.
    Pablo loves Delilah a lot and enjoys all emotions pretty awesome With her and his children.
    But one day something terrible happens and they both decide to apart their ways and file a divorce.
    Although they were divorced, Pablo still couldn't recover himself from it, tries to get in touch with Delilah.
    After some months he finds Hellion with whom he started to spend most of the time and later on marry her.
    But somewhere deep down the bottom of his heart, he wanted Delila, who one day return back.
    Now, what will happen?
    Who will Pablo choose?
    And why?

    My opinion:
    According to me, the author had kept the plot pretty convective. The situation Pablo was kept inn is something we as a human feels when we love someone more than ourselves and being apart from them can kill us. So, his character was pretty well satisfying.
    Overall amazing read.

  • Mihir Lakhani

    Til Death We Do We Part, Too is a story that examines the impact of unfinished business, baggage, emotional damage, and lingering love. Balancing heartbreaking loss with resilience, disorientation with hope, hopelessness, and bitterness with true, lasting love and understanding. There is a lot of in-depth knowledge of the reality of relationships and the fragility of the human psyche. It is told with an immense depth of sentiment, humor, and faith.

    Now, speaking of the book, it takes you on a roller coaster of various emotions that might be overwhelming for some. The way of writing and telling is intuitive and engaging. This adds to the beauty of the book. Overall the book is an excellent read and therefore highly recommended.
    To understand this book, you will have to read the first book. So I suggest reading it first.
    The author did a great job (in my opinion).

  • Kshitij Deshmukh

    "This is a story that scrutinises the impact of unfinished business, baggage, emotional damage, and lingering love. It balances heart-breaking loss with resilience, disorientation with hope, and desperation and bitterness with true enduring love and understanding."

    This book is a sequel to the book "til death part us". And like its first part, the character development is noteworthy. Pablo the main protagonist is an addictive character in this book. The story consists of the following aspects of life right from love, heartbreak, pain, relationship, marriage.

    The book is kind of normal length. This part is kind of stretches the characters and their emotional aspects with the other two side characters. Overall the book is good.

  • Oindrila

    After facing a painful heartbreaking divorce from his long marriage, Pablo is totally devastated.
    Pablo meets the supernal Hellion, a woman of his age. It was love at first sight, they somehow feel connected with each other with followed by their marriage.

    Suddenly, Pablo's ex-wife re-establish contact with him and started daily conversations which are mostly arguments based on their previous marriage event

    Everything was fine unless one fine day, Hellion goes to work, and inexplicably, and without warning, fails to return home.

    What happened to Hellion? Why is she missing? Is there any link between Hellion missing and Pablo's ex-wife? What happens next in the story, grab this book to know!

    Overall a great read. The author has beautifully portrayed the characters and events. The book was extremely interesting.

    Highly recommended!!

  • Bhavna Malhotra

    The book 'Til Death We Do Part, Too' by Bruno Beaches is the sequel of the book 'Til Death We Do Part'.

    In the first book, the story revolves around the character Pablo who is a hardworking, respectable police officer living a happy life with his family. But suddenly close to his retirement, a complaint is registered against him which shatters everything that he has built, his career and his family.

    In the second book, the author has given a timelapse and has told us what happens years after that incident. Pablo meets a wonderful, charming girl and marries her but it is not as wonderful as he thought. The author has made this book quite interesting by the entry of his ex-wife and suddenly one day his wife disappears. What happens next? Pick up this book to find out.

    The book is quite interesting and the writing style is simple. Overall it is a good read.

  • Jhanvi Gupta

    Moving on from your love of life is painful. The same happens with Pablo, he was happy with his marriage, everything was going on smoothly but things started falling apart and came to an edge where they had to get divorced. Pablo’s life is in shambles, he is devastated, trying to cope up with the loss. He suddenly finds love in Hellion, things go well and in a few months, they get married. But is it the end, does everything go back to normal. No, it's complicated, Delilah starts daily communication with Pablo, he is confused. Suddenly one day, Hellion is not able to reach, she is missing from her office. Does Delilah have something to do with Hellion’s disappearance? Go grab the book to know the details. Worth spending.

  • Sujal Kumar

    A well-written book.
    The story is very emotional and makes your heart bleed. The story is so legit and genuine.
    The story revolves around Pablo, Delilah, and Hellion.
    Our main protagonist Pablo falls in love with a charming lady Hellion and they marry each other. The next story took a tragic turn, as Pablo's ex-wife started to contact him again which turned into a regular conversation.

    What happens next in the story.....?
    Read the whole book to know more.
    The language is simple and easy to understand. The narration style is really amazing. The cover looks attractive and eye-catching. The plot was really good. The writing style is dam good. The characters are well described by the author.
    Overall, it is a good read.
    I appreciated the author for this amazing Book.
    I would definitely recommend to everyone.

  • Athira

    Till death we do part, too written by Bruno Beaches is about Pablo who was married to more than two decades, got divorced and even after 4 years how he is still obsessed with his ex-wife because of the lack of closure.

    The story takes us through the married life of Pablo and Delilah through their chats, what went wrong in their life, and how lack of communication affects our relationships.

    The book is more than 300 pages and the story is slow-paced. It goes slow and steady rather than rushing through each life. We get to see how important is to talk to each other, expressing our love to one another in one martial life. Overall this is a mature read than a simple love story, the book talks about the reality of life than the fictional world that we create.

  • Moksha Sheth

    There is a mystery level to the story that gives this book a level of thrill. I was not able to put this book down.
    Pablo is realistic, practical, in sync with his feelings & emotions. Pablo meets the supernal Hellion. She seems wonderful, and it's love at first sight & they marry quickly.
    Pablo was living happily with his wife Delilah. Pablo's personal life deteriorated slowly & he was unable to get out of Deliah's memories as he loved her From the bottom of his heart. The day he was devastated by his past heartbreak & failed relationship. I enjoyed how the principal characters are so matured yet are introduced with inclinations & we wind up pulling for them.
    And suddenly one day, Hellion goes to work, inexplicably, without any warning fails to return home.
    Read this wonderful book!!!

  • Sneha

    Ensuing to defying a tangled detachment, Pablo needs to face his first wife again as she insisted to return. Pablo meets Hellion, and they turned out to be hopelessly enamored and get married. In any case, the spin-off gave a lot of desire to fresh opportunities just as the possibilities we should give ourselves with regards to connections.

    All was great except if one fine day, Hellion goes to work, and mysteriously disappeared, now the question stands if she went missing or if she took off on her own?

    The author has perfectly depicted the characters and occasions. The book was incredibly intriguing. Narration is satisfactory and characters were all over are created.

  • Nikhil Nandan

    This book is all about heartbreak and the bitterness you will get in your life. The book is full of new characters and new twists and turns. While reading the book, you will be always curious to know that how the story is going to end.
    The main character Pablo is divorced and you will learn to know how he recovers from a failed marriage. I found the book very unique as at every point mystery is involved by the author. The character Pablo also teaches us to be optimistic at even the worst days of our lives.

  • S S

    Our protagonist Pablo is a man of high morals and has a golden heart. He is a police officer who assists drug addicts in getting clean and leading a sober life.

    Suddenly, his life becomes a roller-coaster and takes a 360 turn. Everything he has is gone, his love, his wife, his job, his reputation, and he is left with nothing but emptiness.

    Do read to know more? The lucid language and narration are like a cherry on the cake. The plot takes away the award though.

  • Neeti

    “Sometimes we should loosen the strings and move ahead leaving the past behind.“

    This is a sequel to “Til death we do part”. As it’s a sequel obviously a connection is there between the characters which take the story ahead smoothly.
    It’s about Pablo who was leading a happy married life with his wife Delilah but unfortunately, things started falling apart and they both got divorced.
    Life became very difficult for Pablo as he loved Delilah from the bottom of his heart. He tried a lot to make things better between them but all his efforts could create no magic. He finds it difficult to move ahead in his life and keeps messaging Delilah expecting that one day she might melt and come back to him.
    As it's said that time is the best healer, one day Pablo meets Hellion and they both start spending time together and bond so well that within a few months they get married. Life was beautiful for Pablo but still, he could not stop himself from messaging Delilah as she was his ex-wife and mother of his children.
    Will Hellion agree to Pablo’s decision of staying in touch with Delilah?
    Was the decision of marrying Hellion was right for Pablo?

    The story is very emotional and makes your heart bleed. The author has copied the pain, agony, and frustration of Pablo in a beautiful way. The plot basically deals with love and describes the consequences of loving and trusting someone truly. It gives a message that we should never take the other person for granted and should always be very careful about our actions.
    The characters are well defined and portrayed with such honesty that you fall in love with them. The narration is lengthy in some instances, a bit of editing could have made the book more gripping.

  • thebookwormcritic

    Till death we do part, too is the sequel book. Author Bruno Beaches has penned down an interesting story about a police officer, Pablo and his circumstances.

    Pablo, a police officer who is currently working with the deaddiction group. He loves his job and is a happy man.
    His wife Delilah is beautiful, but Pablo still misses his ex-wife, Hellion.

    Pablo had tried contacting Hellion, several times but she doesn't want him to in touch with her and their son.

    One day, Pablo's wife goes missing. Suddenly things start changing and it's time for Pablo to solve this mystery and find the truth.
    Where is his wife?
    Is this anyhow related with his ex-wife?
    What has happened?

    A very interesting novel, as you start reading further and further, it gets amazing.
    I recommend this book to all.

  • Varsha Gupta

    The series offers a very realistic story about marriage and relationships, from the perspectives of all the parties involved.
    After facing a painful complicated divorce, Pablo has to face his first wife again as she tries to come back, while Pablo is still trying to figure out his relationship with an amazing woman, Hellion.
    I find the writing more heartfelt and there's a huge development in the parts of the characters.
    I wasn't expecting the sequel to be this fast-paced and more intense than the first book but it surprised me.
    I read the book during a time I was emotionally exhausted and was in a huge reading slump because of all the books I wasn't enjoying reading.
    This book made a huge difference there.

  • Rashi

    This is a sequal to "Till death we do part". It's a story about divorce, revenge, and love, etc. I don't usually read books but when I started reading this I couldn't stop reading. Obviously, the story was so well written. This wasn't just about an unsuccessful marriage, but also shows the kind of person Pablo is. His love for his first wife was so deep. But unfortunately, they had to separate their ways. But the man Pablo couldn't forget his love. He was still trying to contact his wife, Delilah, but it was of no use. But then destiny gave him another turn. There comes another woman, Hellion into Pablo's life. They fell in love at first sight. They got married happily. But Pablo still tried to contact Delilah. Then one fine day, Delilah visits Pablo. The story gets interesting from here. Read the book to know more.

  • S.Readss

    It's a story of hope amidst all the heartbreak and bitterness.

    Well, the first foremost thing is I loved the writing style of the author. The deep details, amazing narration is what stand out for me in this book. Every emotion is depicted so nicely throughout the book.

    The story is about recovering from a devastating marital failure of years earlier, Pablo meets the supernal Hellion. She seems wonderful, and it is love at first sight, and they marry quickly. But what happens when his ex-wife re-establishes contact with him, and he desperately tries to balance between both, though he gets drawn into a double life. Then, one shocking day, Hellion goes to work, and inexplicably, and without warning, fails to return home. Now he has to try to understand another devastating, bewildering calamity.

    -The story is very unique, though I have read many books about broken marriages, betrayal, revenge and love this one has some aspects that I have not seen in any other book.
    -The characters are well defined and portrayed with such grace that you fall in love with them.
    -There is a mystery level to the story that gives this book a level of thrill and I was not able to put this book down.
    -What I think the author could have done was little editing and not stretching at some places, then this one would have been a perfect five-star read for me.


    Most of the time it is better to move away from the past and focus on the future. This book mainly focuses on this concept through a beautiful love story.

    The story revolves around Pablo who was living happily with his wife Delilah. As days passed by things started falling apart and the couple ended up in divorce.

    Pablo's personal life deteriorated slowly and he was unable to get out of Delilah's memories as he loved her from the bottom of his heart. He was unable to move on and focus on his future. He keeps texting Delilah with the hope that one day she will return back and everything will fall into place.

    As days passed by, Pablo met Hellion and started spending time together. The bond between them became stronger and stronger that they eventually fell in love. Within a few months, they got married.

    Life again became beautiful for Pablo with the entry of Hellion. But he couldn't stop himself from texting Delilah, re-establishing the relationship with her.

    What happens next forms the rest of the story. I felt that this story is unique though I have read a number of stories about love, marriage, failed relationships and betrayal. Every character is crafted with perfection. The length of the story could have been reduced as there are a few portions which are stretched out a bit. Other than that, this book can be recommended for a single-time read!

  • Dolly Aggarwal

    Pablo, the lead protagonist, immensely loves his wife Delilah but had to divorce her when things started falling apart. However, he couldn't make peace with the changes in his life and longs for his wife and does his best efforts to win her back, all in vain. Meanwhile, he meets a beautiful supernal Hellion. They spent quality time together, falls in love and get married. But Pablo not being able to move on from his previous marriage, still texts Delilah. To utter surprise she contacts him back.

    Why did Delilah contact him? Will Hellion approve of his husband being in contact with this ex-wife? The story takes an interesting turn when one-day Hellion goes missing. What happens next to make the book worth reading.

    The book is really very well written. The author did a great job in detailing the betrayal, heartbreak and complications one goes through his married life. The book is a blend of pain with hope, agony with faith and resilience. One feels deeply for Pablo, his enduring love for his wives and the efforts he does to save his marriage. The book is fast-paced yet at a point when Pablo's past comes, the story seems somewhat repetitive, however, the author's way of writing the story keeps you reading.
    Overall a good book!

  • Agrima

    The book plot revolves around love, trust, pain, betrayal and agony.

    The story is filled in with a lot of emotions. The characters are sketched beautifully and are penned down very well. The book is not just of a romance genre but also has a lot of thrill and suspense. The series talks about the different perspectives of being in a relationship or marriage. The author showed us the importance of believing in ourselves.

    The story revolves around Pablo who was living happily with his wife Delilah. As days passed by things started falling apart and the couple ended up in divorce.

    This story is about Pablo, whose marriage failed after 30 years of a long-lasting relationship! Delilah is his ex-wife. After 4.5 years, he still believes that she will be back.
    But what happened that this 30-year-old marriage failed?
    To know more, grab this amazing book.

    I realized from this book the problem is much deeper and worse because of the communication gap, affairs, misunderstandings, ignorance, betrayal, emotional devastation, and much more.

    I Recommended this book to people who are mature enough to understand the word - relationships.

  • Rajeswari Nandi

    "Love is only made more valuable by the risk of heartbreak."
    - Alessandra Torrie

    "Til Death We Do Part, Too" is a story of hope amidst all the heartbreaks and bitterness by Author Bruno Beaches that scrutinises the impact of unfinished business, baggage, emotional damage and lingering love. It balances heartbreaking loss with resilience, disorientation with hope, and desperation and bitterness with true enduring love and understanding.

    The story spins around three characters i.e. Pablo, Delilah and Hellion.
    Pablo, our leading protagonist couldn't stop his marriage with Delilah to fail after 30 years of a long-lasting relationship and ended up with the divorce. Pablo was unable to get out of Delilah's memories as he loved her wholeheartedly. He couldn't move on from these incidents and started messing up his own life.

    Recovering from a devastating martial failure, Pablo met the supernal Hellion and started to spend time together. Eventually, they had fallen in love with each other and got married quickly.
    Pablo's ex-wife Delilah re-established contact with him, and he desperately seeks to exorcise the demons of that betrayal and divorce, but he gets drawn into a double life. He couldn't refrain from messaging his ex-wife Delilah.

    Will Hellion agree to Pablo's decision of staying in contact with his ex-wife Delilah?
    Who will Pablo choose now? Will he cheat Hellion now?

    Then, one shocking day, Hellion goes to work, and inexplicably and without any warning fails to return home Now he has to try to understand another devastating, bewildering calamity cause his wife Hellion's sudden absence left him totally shattered.

    The author crafted each and every character of the story very beautifully. The cover page of the book is pretty impressive. The plot is fast-paced and well defined. Language is easy and lucid with a simple narrative style of writing. The storyline revolves around emotions, heartbreak, pain and agony. Overall it's a good read.

    #Recommended to everyone... Grab your copy now from Amazon... Happy Reading!

  • Ridhi Malhotra

    'Til Death We Do Part, Too' by Bruno Beaches is a beautiful continuation of the book 'Til Death We Do Part'. I had reviewed the first book a while ago and I had found the book quite thrilling and was really excited to read this one.

    In the second part, our main protagonist Pablo falls in love with a charming lady Hellion and marries her. But it is not as beautiful and rosy as he thought it would be when suddenly his ex-wife tries to re-establish contact with him. As he is dealing with this situation, his wife suddenly disappears from work leaving him shattered to face a devastating calamity all by himself. What could this mean? What could have happened to her? Did his ex-wife have something to do with it? Grab this book to find out what happens next!

    The themes that have been discussed in the book are emotional damage, lingering love, desperation, and managing relationships. Since the author has driven inspiration for the storyline from his own experiences, you can really connect with the emotions of the book's characters. The book is quite intriguing with a lot of twists and turns. However, some of the tropes used in the book are cliched. It is quite a long read of 445 pages but due to its amazing storyline, it will keep you hooked till the very end.

  • Divya Yadav

    Firstly, this book is a sequel to "Till Death We Do Part". This story is about mainly two characters, Pablo and Delilah. Pablo was the one who loved Delilah unconditionally but as we say if you love somebody unconditionally you will have to face the consequences also unconditionally, there were a lot of things which varied between them so he tried his level best to sort everything out but obviously clap is not made from one side and they couldn't make it and as we all know time is a great healer and with time he moved on in his life. He met a girl named hellion further he realised she is the one and they got married too.
    But not always life gives you lemon without getting squeezed later on his ex comes back and he thought of betraying her and suddenly one day his wife didn't come back from work and so now what happens did he took his revenge? Did she come back?
    To get all these answers, go and grab this book. It's full of thrills!

  • Komal Kumari

    "Til Death We Do Part, Too" authored by Bruno Beaches is the postscript of the book "Til Death We Do Part" by the same author.

    The book depicts an emotional love and marriage story with the protagonist being a police officer named Pablo.

    Pablo, who had a bad phase of his complicated married life that has to take off to divorce, is now remarried. But, Pablo's relationship with his amazing wife Hellion is now in danger because his ex-wife tries to re-contact with him.

    Here's the turning point in the plot! Hellion goes off to work and doesn't return home. Pablo is again in a devastating situation.

    What happens next? Will Pablo ever come to find out where his wife is? What's next to be faced by Pablo? Know it all yourselves by just diving deep into the storyline.

    The writing style is quite interesting. The author had mentioned the minute details in a quite an amazing manner. Highly recommended for fiction lovers.

    Thank You.
    Happy Reading


    The story speaks about agony and hope. Pablo, the protagonist even after his second marriage with Hellion, is still not over his ex-wife and gets in contact with her and things change around. Whom will he choose? Will he be happy? Was his decision right? Read and find out!

    The book is a sentimental read with lots of pain, agony, frustration, and hope. The book is fast-paced with a unique narration which makes the book highly readable. The character development is detailed and realistic anyone can connect and go along. The book gave much food to thought in terms of relationships and marriage. Books with broken marriages always artificially hit pain and betrayal but everything felt natural in this story. The book is filled with emotions and give insights into people connect and maintain a solid relationship. The plot appeared genuine and unique in many ways. The author did wonderful work, the only issue I found is that the book needs minor editing apart from that a gripping story that gives catharsis.

  • Samir Singh

    The book "Till Death We Do Part, Too" is written by Bruno Beaches. The book is very well written and the author has tried to come up with more twists in the sequel. This book is the second part of the "Till Death We Do Part". The storyline has been kept well-paced and the plot is also very well set. The book is based on relationships and how marriage impacts our lives. There is a change in our behaviour whenever we met someone new in our lives. The book revolves around Pablo and how he believes in hope even on his worst days. The days he was devastated by his past heartbreaks and failed relationship. The author showed us the importance of believing in ourselves. The faith in not losing hope no matter how bad you're hurt is the subtle moral of the story. Talking about the title of the book it is appropriate and catchy. The book has a very beautiful cover and the author deserves a well-round of applause for creating such a vibrant and creative cover. The book is amazingly written and it's recommended to everyone.

  • Snehaamith

    Till death we do part, too by Bruno Beaches is an emotional love story.
    Pablo, the protagonist in the story is a police officer who always stands for truth.his job is to assist drug addicts to get over their addiction and he has a beautiful family ( a wonderful wife and 4 children). Their lives are simple yet content. Pablo was nearing the age of retirement, everything is going well for him.
    At the edge of retirement, one of his previous clients from the drug-addicted list raised a harassment complaint against him due to this complaint his whole life changed upside down. He has been crushed beneath the cruelty of his fate. He lost everything his job with a criminal record, his family, divorce from his wife, his home everything.
    Then what next?
    How he will cope with the situation?
    To know about this, you need to read this book. Narration is simple and good. Overall it's a good read.

  • Nandani Mehta

    I randomly came across this beautiful and heart-touching novel while finding novels to read and the thought of what lay within the book consumed me. The cover and the title grabbed my attention and I couldn't resist myself and read it, hoping for an interesting story and I'm glad to say that it lived up beyond my expectations.
    It is the second part of the book ' Till death we do part'. The story here revolves around the same protagonist Pablo who falls for a lady named Hellion and marries her. But there is a turn of events when suddenly his ex-wife tries to re-establish contact with him. As he is dealing with this situation, his wife suddenly disappears from work leaving him shattered to face a devastating calamity all by himself. Interesting, isn't it? To know more, do read the book.
    The language is kept simple by the author which helps the reader to understand and interpret the book in an easier way and connects the readers to the book. So, Overall it's an amazing book!

  • Saloni Singh Chauhan

    This book is a sequel to the book "Til death we do part". And like its first part, the character development is noteworthy. It is the continuation of the prequel, off course. But with the same pace and same character, it is surely intriguing. Few new characters have been introduced too, which makes it interesting in a way.

    The series talks about the different perspectives of being in a relationship or marriage.

    The story is about PABLO and DELILAH.
    They were leading a happy life until things started falling apart and they got divorced. Pablo who had a bad phase of his complicated married life that has to take off to divorce is now remarried. But, Pablo's relationship with his amazing wife Hellion is now in danger because his ex-wife tries to re-contact him.
    The author showed us the importance of believing in ourselves. The faith in not losing hope no matter how bad you're hurt is the subtle moral of the story. Talking about the title of the book it is appropriate and catchy.

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