Rita, a voice actor admired for her resilience and beauty, navigates life’s complexities despite her severe blindness. In the bustling heart of New York City, she prepares to grace the runway in a prestigious fashion show, a stark contrast to her tranquil love for the ocean’s embrace. As her life’s next chapter beckons aboard a transatlantic cruise, Rita faces a cascade of introspection and unanswered questions.Is Eleanor, her confidante, truly the ally she seems? Can Rita reinvent herself to fulfil the yearnings within? Will the Atlantic’s vast waters offer solace or merely reflect her deepest contemplations? Amidst nature’s serenity and the vibrant cacophony of cities like Copenhagen and New York, Rita seeks the essence of human connection, intimacy, and the true meaning of friendship through the lens of her blindness.As she contemplates the nature of kindness and the miracles of life, Rita’s journey is punctuated by moments of profound significance. With each meaningful encounter, she explores the depth of human kindness she both offers and deserves.
Fernando Viegas was born in Setúbal on the first day of June. He studied at IPS. Currently, he is developing a video game with his sister, Filipa. Fernando also wrote a children’s book. He likes to travel a lot, and he loves Russian authors.
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