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Unprepared for Life's Journey -bookcover

By: Maria E. Flavel

Unprepared for Life's Journey

Pages: 257 Ratings: 4.3
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Unprepared for Life's Journey is a heart-warming true story, detailing the missionary life of an inspirational Catholic woman. Maria Flavel started life in Germany as part of a happy farming family, but she reaches an age when she must think about her future. Deciding to follow in her older sister's footsteps, she enrols in a convent to devote her life to God. But it's not long before Maria questions often-cruel treatment from the nuns.Showing great endurance and strength, she finally admits that biblical life in this form may not be for her. And so she begins her own journey. Following her dream to work overseas, she finds her calling in Papua New Guinea as a teacher, helping underprivileged people to become more independent. Here she feels a true connection to God through the work that He wants her to do. A fascinating account of suffering and joy through war, death and meaningful relationships; a welcome reminder of the gift that life is, the importance of the people we share it with, and the opportunity it offers to do something that really matters.  

Maria grew up on a farm in Germany and currently lives in Western Australia. Her life's adventures began from the moment she was born in 1938.

Open to new ideas and dedicated to teaching, Maria travelled from her farming village to the highlands of Papua New Guinea before settling in Australia.

Maria's story is about resilience and the journey life takes you on when you are determined to make a positive change. Maria has previously published short stories and the children's book The Adventures of an old Boab Tree.


Customer Reviews
38 reviews
38 reviews
  • Taryn

    A beautifully honest and captivating story of love, faith and the turns life has taken this amazing woman on. Maria took all the experiences she was given and made an incredible story, sharing it with her readers is a gift to us all. I highly recommend the read.

  • Claudia

    A heart warming, inspirational story of a woman who lived her life to serve others. Such an amazing life story of an incredible woman told with honesty and compassion and keeps wanting you to know more.


    An unforgettable story of a life well lived. Spanning a period of three score years and ten, and set in some of the most exotic places on earth, it takes us on a journey of discovery. The quest is often challenging, sometimes heart-breaking, but always imbued with a great love of humanity and a thirst for social justice. This book cannot fail to inspire those who value truth and who have the courage to pursue it against all odds.

  • Monica

    Thank you Maria for inviting me on this train to share the most honest and inspiring memories of your life with God through his people. I enjoyed this ride immensely and would recommend that others get on board and share your journey also.

  • Rod Ellyard

    Unprepared for Life's Journey

    I found the book fascinating and easy to read . Maria has a style of writing that is both simple and profound at the same time ..The story pulls the reader along .i found her personal integrity and courage inspiring -those qualities which she has displayed in "spades "in m,y sporadic interactions with her over the years since, as she has assisted so many people .be they migrants ,indigenous people ,down and out s. lost or simply lonely. it has been a great pleasure to fill in the gasps of my knowledge of such a wonderful life .

  • Jason

    Unprepared for Life's Journey is not the type of book I would normally pick up, but after being gifted the biography from a friend, I was unable to put it down! Maria's story is a fascinating one, which highlights the difficulties of reconciling the demands of a virtuous, religious existence with the realities of life. The journey she takes across the globe is gripping and well-written, and I recommend the book to anyone who enjoys real-life drama.

  • Susan Munday

    An engrossing read. So good I read it twice. Her early life in a farming family in Germany , her life as a nun and deciding that it was not for her and her wonderful work as a missionary in Papua New Guinea were all fascinating.

  • Espie

    Unprepared for life's journey is inspiring, spiritually uplifting and a testament of love, compassion and kindness. A resilient person who always relied on God for her judgment and decision. Too good not to pass on.

  • Andrew and Nana

    She was brave young lady and has been through extraordinary life and meaningful journey. Simple and inspiring.

  • D Beaumont

    Unprepared for Life's Journey was truly inspiring. Maria certainly invited you into another world that few have visited. The book is extremely uplifting and a incredible testament of dedication, unselfish love and extreme kindness. We are so lucky that Maria committed to writing this book as it has given those that have allowed themselves to become engrossed with the turning of each page, an unbelievable insight to the numerous facets of her life's journey. Congratulations Maria on putting trust in yourself as we the readers have certainly been enriched.

  • Megan

    Maria has had such an interesting and full life. It was a joy to read about it.
    Her writing style is easy to read and not overly descriptive. I couldn't put this book down once I started reading.
    This story will take you across many continents and leave you with a warm feeling.

  • Jan Bowen

    This book is engaging for the reader from the very first page. I felt I was on the journey with the author travelling across different continents, facing difficult situations and laughing during some challenging yet hilarious moments. The language is easy to read and makes you feel that you are there with the author, listening to her speaking. This is a wonderful book to read and carries a special message for us all about finding our place in the world, wherever we are. I loved it and so did our book club, "The Geraldton Wax". Buy it and read it. You will love it!

  • Amanda

    A beautiful story that captures the essence of a time in our history and the resilience of a brave young woman, committed to serving others. Maria is inspiring and epitomises the true spirit of what it means to be of faith.

  • Bob Searle

    I read this book in one sitting,Emotions flowed as I read this story and many memories good and sad came back to me and i'm proud to be part of this story.. I will cherish this copy always .

  • Dana

    An inspirational story of a brave lady following her dreams to care for people less fortunate. I really enjoyed reading about life in Papua New Guinea and the many adventures Maria experienced. I would recommend this novel to my friends and family. A most enjoyable read.

  • Daphne Wright

    An inspiring true story of the life of a catholic girl living in Germany as part of a happy family.
    Maria’s journey first starts with her entering the convent to become a nun and later leaving this vocation and went overseas and became a missionary and teacher in Papua New Guinea.
    Along this journey Maria encountered many hardships including a cyclone in Australia.
    A heartwarming story, easy to read and hard to put down.

  • Chamari

    In her book UNPREPARED FOR LIFE’S JOURNEY, Maria Flavel opens her heart and soul generously to the reader and exposes her inspiring yet adventurous journey of a girl who became a strong woman in order to help the underprivileged.

  • Shirley

    Great reading. Couldn’t put it down. Maria, what an exciting journey you took us on

  • Hella Voitel

    I found my childhood friend through your book after 60 years. We had lost contact to each other. What an exciting event! It has been wonderful to read all her experiences and to get to know her all over again! Thanks for printing it.

  • Gabrielle Robinson

    "Unprepared for Life's Journey" by Maria Flavel is an inspiring story. I absolutely loved reading the easily flowing pages, with small hints along the way of future events which fed my anticipation. What an extraordinarily wonderful person Maria is. So much courage, all based on her strong faith and obviously beautiful family background. Her honesty, deep compassion and respect for fellow human beings, no matter how challenging, is remarkable. It does endorse my frustration with our severely flawed Church and the heartbreak caused to good people over the years with the sometimes unjust, narrow, patriarchal and non-transparent system that has so sadly been the norm. There was so much that I can relate to all through Maria's story, and, far from being depressed by it, I felt totally uplifted. Thank you, Maria, for so generously and humbly sharing your precious story.

  • Alva Currie

    This is a very powerful book. It carried me along with fascination on Your life's journey.
    You indeed lived life with love, care and compassion for those you met along the way. The Order of Australia medal being awarded for service to education, developing and presenting literacy and numeracy programs to the Indigenous and migrant Community was a well-deserved honour.
    Maria, I was moved to tears over some of the injustices you encountered over the years, and I can only say how much I admire your courage and dignity in dealing with the situations. May some changes occur where appropriate.

  • Tom Mwangi

    Wow, what a journey! Maria takes you with her, through a journey of self-less sacrifice in pursuit of helping others while encountering challenges of her own. This book is a riveting account of the story of a lady who gives consistently without the expectation of reward and a true inspiration for all. A must read for everyone.

  • Trish Burrows

    I have just finished reading Maria Flavel’s book Unprepared for Lifes Journey. It was amazing, I felt as if she was sitting with me, talking about her life. It was such a wonderful story, with something happening in every chapter. I really didn’t want to put the book down. What an amazing person, Maria is. I am so happy she shared this story.
    I would recommend this book to anybody an enjoyable read.

  • Lovely Caron

    No matter how many books I read about the atrocities of life, I always feel that each of the stories must be told so it is not forgotten. Also, some of them have this inspiring main character we could gain knowledge from. And this is that memoir. In this generation, autobiographies are so underrated, fantasies are now the hype, but no matter how you feel like they are old-school, we have to read them because it is a depiction of one’s life.

    I loved that it’s refreshing and pages are easily flowing like a wind that I wasn’t able to stop to feed up my anticipation. Maria, an inspirational catholic woman comes from a beautiful family of farmers. At an early age, her father died, and she has experienced injustice at the hands of the nuns. But her calling to Papua New Guinea as a teacher changed everything from her life. And there, she connected with God. She isn’t just devoted to God alone but her fellow human beings as well and that trait of hers is truly remarkable.

    Maria Flavel’s own story of “Unprepared for Life’s Journey is the story I had been longing to read ever since. All that’s in it are the ones I want in a book. I can relate to some parts of the story which made me feel connected to Maria. It felt as if two women, never having met, moving on parallel lines have made a connection. Most highly and enthusiastically recommended.

  • Juliet Lawrence

    If you’re the type of person who dreamed to test your limits, just against anything that will hinder you from helping the less fortunate, you’ll find this story a compelling read in restoring your faith in a window of opportunity. Merely those who are brave enough to take risk of pushing their limits are the only ones who could possibly perceive how far they can go. And that’s what I love in Maria’s personality, despite all the hardships she never runs away but rather chased her dreams. Instead of thinking of it as a stumbling block, she treated them as her stepping stones. She’d learn what she is capable of and never look back in her dark past. Maria’s true grit is a testament to how the human spirit can overcome almost anything.

    This is one of the books you’ll either love or loathe. You can tell me which side of the coin toss landed for you after you’ve read it.

    I felt like I was on the journey with her travelling across the world. Books are indeed a thing that lets you travel without moving your feet. And what is better than travel and a book combined? They make a perplexing comrade. There is no better way to discover yourself than getting out of your comfort zone and immersing yourself in someone else's.

  • Dianna Wilson

    I’ve always thought of a book that suits my palate, a story in the course of a delightful adventure of self-discovery, prose that shares the best of how connecting with people can turn your world upside down and open your horizons in optimistic ways. Finally, I discovered “Unprepared for Life’s Journey”. From the title and the premise itself, you would think of it as a cliché story of a woman who makes wrong decisions in life but there’s so much in this book than what you perceived it is at first.

    What I like about this is its take on the essence of Germany’s history through war and death. To be honest, I’m not a fan of anything that is to say, related to history, but this one is an exception. Maria’s personality as a brave young woman, who is dedicated to her passion for serving others captures me. Many people don’t aspire to help others, all they want is to have the power and money, but Maria is a different case because her calling to help the less fortunate made her the epitome of divinity and bravery. She is the embodiment of faith.

    I read this book in one sitting. I must say I was engaged from the very first page, emotions flowed right through me even until now that I’m writing this. This is a story that I will definitely cherish forever.

  • Froy Evans

    This is a classic tale of discovery that led Maria unprepared to various expeditions. But it’s fine because for us to get through the hardest journey, we need to take one step at a time. Her voyage of discovering herself, of who she was meant to be and her legacy to the world is what makes this memoir into a whole new level of literature. Maria is one of those characters that, despite all circumstances, you cannot but find tragically adorable and inspirational.

    I have nothing to say about the writing but impressive. It was an easy read and I felt like I’m on the author’s side listening to her storytelling. This is such a wonderful book to read that underpins a lot of moral lessons for us to find out why do we have to go through a lot of challenges, and where would this get us.

    And now that I'm done, I feel like I've gone on a journey with this book and come out the other side much like Maria, ready to embrace my life and my capacity for love. Read this book to open your heart to a magical journey of a woman who overcomes all her hardships. But also be reminded that this book will resonate with you for years to come.

  • Anthonet James

    This is a book that reminds us of our life as a gift, and the importance of the people we let in it.

    “Unprepared for Life’s journey” is a self-discovery and adventure novel which gives an inside account, and a very human one at that, of the life of a woman who first-hand experience war. We follow Maria’s physical and spiritual journey of finding what really is her calling. Eventually, everyone would end up where they needed to be, with whom you’re meant to be, and doing what you should be doing, so challenges aren’t a reasonable excuse for you to give up. Because time will come you’ll rise above the storm and find your own light. The importance of the life that is discussed in her everyday interaction with people is also one of the best factors of this book.

    Flavel’s story never ceases to amaze me, and for some instance urge me to question reality and contemplate my own journey. This is one of her works that I will go back from time and time again because of its meaningful and inspiring prose. A heartwarming story, easy to read and hard to put down.

  • Elena Dube

    This is the first time that a story speaks to me. A story that will pull a smile from somewhere deep in its readers might be crooked or loose, even the most genuine smile would reflect in their eyes.

    Right after the war that happened during their time, many girls worked in the re-opened factories or as household help, become children’s nannies, or went to Agriculture Schools to learn cooking and take cake-decorating classes, but not Maria, to her surprise she was sent in a boarding school to continue her studies. From thereon she decided to follow her sister’s track, went to a covenant to dedicate her life to God. But during her stay there she doubts if she’s on the right path, and so, she opts to follow her dreams.

    Maria as a character is someone who will leave an indelible imprint in my heart. This story is so much more than a memoir of a woman but a life journey we all could learn from, be inspired and live life to the fullest like it’s your last. And this just punches right through the perfect spot to wake me up to choose to be inspired.

  • John Smith

    I’m lying on my bed alone. Contemplating life. Pondering on time. And reflecting on my past. This book had me questioning my whole existence on earth. I've just parted with a woman I've never met, yet a lady I felt I know so well. A woman I think so bland in the beginning becomes the lady I loved at the end.
    We all face challenges at some point in our life, challenges that we did not create, that are beyond our control. All of us do. It is inevitable. Our only difference is how we respond to these. One might turn her back and run away, but not Maria, she runs to it and takes it as an opportunity for self-transformation. She didn’t let the obstacles overcome her; hence, she challenges her limits. And that’s what is truly inspiring.
    I just simply adore this book! Flavel’s writing is clean and simple with its gentle structure, the story was laced with beautiful writing. A must-read for everyone. This will surely be your favourite among all the books you’ve and you’ll ever read.

  • Tristan Cameron

    From “Unprepared for Life’s Journey” cunning plain premise, Flavel weaves a plot so exquisitely intricate, real, and enchanting. Overflowing with its charm, personal wisdom, and philosophic insight, all of this adds up to the beauty of Maria’s journey.

    Flavel’s memoir traces the story of her journey from the day she was born till the age she decided to think about her future. When they heard about her wanting to go overseas they'd offer her to work with the Notre dame sisters in which at the end of her training she could become a nun, a lay worker, or marry a farmer just like every single one of her best friends dreams to do. Decided to follow her sister’s footsteps she enrolled in a covenant and devoted her life to God.

    The book’s biggest pride aside from its impressive storyline lies in how Flavel handles her own story in a way that it isn’t too superficial or forge to look good, thus, they are so authentic and real that everyone could relate to her life experiences.


    This is a tale that makes you appreciate life!
    A note of hope threads through the writing, building slowly what is needed to share; the moments of connection, the reawakening of a woman caged by wars and injustices, and her ability to make the most out of her life.
    Her will to help the poor really touches my heart because I too aspire to be of help to those who needed me the most. And we certainly need to live our lives full of love and spread it wherever we go. Just remember that everyone is human, flawed, but most of all worthy of love.
    Flavel really knows how to transcribe her great experience into wonderful words and share it to inspire her readers. And for one reason above all, I admire her courage to write her story sincerely and genuinely.
    This is a story everyone could relate to, about how things go through in life and how different events within our life affect, shape us, and make us who we are today.

  • Stella Landry

    What else can I say? This book isn't high-minded literature, but it's not really trying to be. This subject matter isn’t my go-to read but it had me gripped and my eyes bawling out from the very start. It’s touching, inspiring, and ultimately about a woman who helps the underprivileged. It is also a story of a lady learning what really is the right path for her.

    In some parts, it shows how flawed a church could be. The behind-the-scenes, the issues sadly no one ever talked about.

    Maria Flavel had opened her heart to the readers. Her strong compassion, courage, and strength had me uplifted through these trying times. And I dare say that if you can't appreciate her inspiring yet adventurous pilgrimage, then maybe you’ve got no taste for books.

    All in all, that was a fun read. This is the kind of book that would leave me unmoved, wondering how the author pulled it off. A Praise Flavel for generously sharing her precious story.

  • Trisha Gagne

    This is a riveting account of a story of a woman following her dream. I’ve been so attached to the main character that I felt like I can already see right through her.

    At a young age, Maria already knows what she wanted to be in the future, to be a Kindergarten Teacher and work with the poor overseas. But for some reason, she decided to follow in her sister’s footsteps and devoted her life to God. Yet, she questions the cruel treatment of the nuns in the covenant. Born to be brave she pursues her dream abroad and started her new journey. And that’s where she found the true connection with God, through the right path he planned for her.

    Every time the story moves forward, there’s always something that touches my emotions. So halfway into the book and there is a slight feeling of attachment starting to take hold. And by the end of it, there was a solid emotional investment. And it’s worth it.

  • Jeremy Wilson

    We follow an inspiring story of a catholic woman living in Germany. She had gone through a lot of things, from suffering to joy, then war, death, and various relationships you might want to despise or loved, but all these complications didn’t stop her from moving forward.

    Her journey starts from her enrolling in the convent to become a nun and then later on leaving and went abroad to become a missionary and a teacher in Papua New Guinea. But along her journey, she had encountered lots of obstacles. And it was very hard for me not to feel her. From the writing alone you could already be enthralled, what more if you’ve read the whole story.

    Anyway, why are you even still here? Shouldn’t you be picking this book by this time? Go now and read it. You won’t be disappointed. This one needs to be read to be fully appreciated. I tell you, I am absolutely in love.

  • Brian Williams

    This book has the ability to touch one’s life and bring such delight to one’s heart.
    Writing-wise, I was surprisingly impressed. I’m not the type of person to love a memoir, but this one really hits so differently. The storyline, per se, matches very well with the character, it doesn’t feel like it was made better for the sake of the story, but you can really see how authentic it was from the author’s sincerity to write everything from her real-life experiences.
    To Maria, I was heartbroken over some of the unjustness you’ve come against all your life and I just want to say that you’re someone I admire for all the courage and greatness you’ve shown in dealing with your past. I have so much respect for you and I hope you’ll forever live your life happy and loved. I have so many things to say to you but I might need to keep it between the two of us.

  • Ben Simard

    Maria took me on her journey! Her take on themes of love, loss, family, friendships, and chasing of dreams are undeniably fascinating. And accompanied by her verve writing, her prose is so out of this world. One could hardly be not captivated by this book.

    It was an amazing read and it felt like Flavel’s sitting with me to tell her story. Literally, every single chapter, there’s always something pivoting happening that it was difficult to put the book down because I’m always asking for me.

    This isn’t the best book to bring on your way home because you might find yourself so strongly attached to the novel’s spell that you’ll inevitably miss your stop. I’m recommending this to every single person I know and to you as well, stranger. It is such an enjoyable read.

  • Tray Girard

    The story is something undeniably poignant but also undeniably pleasant. This masterful storytelling and magnetic prose well up to pull the readers into a unique and unforgettable voyage.

    This is a story of a woman who gives her all without asking for anything in return. Her journey is full of selfless sacrifices, seeking to help others notwithstanding all the challenges she faces on her own.

    This is a casual mix of tragedy and refreshing bona fide experience, allowing the readers to feel the vicarious joy even though holes are filled with darkness. This factor adds up in the exceptional truth, a rawness to both Maria as a character and her as the author of her own story as a whole.

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