Anthology Volume V At the Merest Whisper of Your Gentle Voice, I Find Myself With Child...
The Broken-hearted
How much love can one take with a broken heart?
How much love can one give with a broken heart?
How much love can one give to those we love with a broken heart?
How much love can be given by those that love us with a broken heart?
How much love can be taken and not returned with a broken heart?
How much love can be given and not returned with a broken heart?
What price a broken heart?
Where will the pain and the loneliness of the broken-hearted end?
But, all hope is not lost, for love a broken heart can mend,
For love is to the broken heart, the first, foremost and finest friend.£9.99 -
Antisemitism and the 1753 Jew Law Controversy
Why did the very same British parliamentarians pass the “Jew Law” in June of 1753 and then repeal it within six short months? Why would such a law threaten the existence of a legitimately elected democratic government? What forces were at work?
Yoel Sheridan has shone a wide-beamed searchlight on this controversial subject and has revealed the reality that antisemitism is an evil amorphous concept that can, and has been, weaponized to promote hidden agendas that pose serious threats to democratic governments and societies. This was true in Britain in 1753 and in Germany in 1933. Are there not parallels today?
Sheridan has brought the past to the present, asked the questions, explored the many sources, unravelled the mysteries, and provided the answers – all in a concise and eloquent style.
This slim book makes a major contribution to the understanding of the wider implications of unbridled antisemitism.
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Antonio Canova 1757-1822
This book covers the life of the Italian neo-classical sculptor Antonio Canova (1757-1822), some of his works and the lives of two of his contemporaries: John Gibson RA (1790-1866), known as the ‘British Canova’, and the Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844). Both Gibson and Thorvaldsen lived and worked in Rome under the influence and in the shadow of Canova. All three sculptors helped and guided each other. Gibson was under considerable pressure to return to London, which he resisted, while Thorvaldsen returned to his homeland on several occasions and was greeted as a celebrity. The book aims to rectify the dearth of information in English on Canova and updates the information available on Gibson and Thorvaldsen in this bicentenary year of the death of Antonio Canova.
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Antsy Clansy
Clansy has lived a wonderful life on the farm but with age comes certain difficulties. Known around the farm now as ‘Antsy Clansy’, poor old Clansy the donkey is forgetful and unable to control his impulses. On this sun shiny day, Clansy craves a particular type of delicious fruit to satisfy his hunger. When at first he doesn’t succeed, he enlists the help of his younger brother Sebastian. Together they manage to create all kinds of mayhem on Farmer Foote’s Farm. Join the brothers on their funny misadventure to locate a juicy, ripe pear!
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Anxiety & Me
An open and honest account of my four-year battle suffering from mental health, anxiety and panic attacks with uplifting stories, tips and advice that has helped me with an added self-belief confidence boost added for good measure. If you are struggling or know of someone suffering from mental health, then this book will most certainly help and inspire you to deal with your mental health and come out a stronger person for it.
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Anxiety is Not Me
Life would be easier without anxiety but it also wouldn’t have anywhere near as much depth.
Ever feel like you’re different because you suffer from anxiety?
Ever feel like no one understands you and your actions?
Are you seeking guidance on how to coexist with the condition or maybe you have a loved one who suffers from anxiety and you would like to understand them better?
As you navigate your way through the shedding of old beliefs, old habits and the old you, I am here to aid the uncovering of your new form.
The journey will be rocky. It won’t always be pretty but it will be magic and I’m so excited for you.
Raise the questions. Awaken your spirit. Set your soul on fire with purpose. And you will walk away belonging.
Learn to love yourself wholly and bring your shadow self into light. Discover the endless positives and possibilities of living with anxiety without allowing it the power of taking the driver’s seat.
Delve deep into these pages and allow yourself to become completely open-minded and vulnerable and you will unlock a new, brighter perspective of life with anxiety. If nurtured correctly, it can create such awareness that we otherwise wouldn’t have the sense to feel. When you focus your attention, it can be a great gift.
This is my story – the journey back to myself. The raw, the real, the messy and the chaos of everyday living with anxiety, written to promote the normalisation of mental health and offer you exactly what you seek. Support, comfort, advice and above all else, a new perspective on life with anxiety.
Always remember, YOU ARE NOT ANXIETY.
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Anxiety, It's Time to Go
Anxiety, It’s Time to Go is not just another self-help book. It is ‘the’ self-help book. It uses cutting-edge tried and tested methods that have been used time and time again to remove anxiety from people each and every day. Anxiety, It’s Time to Go will explain everything in simple terms and then show you exactly how to combat the things that hurt and control us when it comes to anxiety. The easy-to-follow exercise and instructions have been made straightforward without all the psychobabble that most people use. We say it as it is and then show you exactly how to remove it. This might just be the best thing you have done when it comes to beating crippling anxiety once and for all.
I was given the book to read and I loved it. It was one of those books that I did not want to put down but equally did not want to finish, as I was enjoying it too much (like saving a new
dress ‘for best’). It was all so simple, it made sense and it worked!!! Now, I am not going to elaborate more, because I am now too busy living anxiety-free!
Too busy enjoying life.
Planning life.
Too happy to even think about the old me who wasted so much time feeling anxious, stressed, miserable, not wanting to be here.
So, read it for yourself.£8.99 -
Anyway... I Forgot to Tell You!
Medicine can be both fascinating and terrifying.
This statement can be applied equally to those who practise medicine, but also to the ‘lay’ person who observes from afar but eventually, and sadly inevitably, becomes enmeshed in it. Usually as a reluctant patient.
Erik Hagen has been practicing medicine for the last forty odd years. He has been involved in country General Practice, Emergency medicine, Retrieval medicine with the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia and also in motor sport medicine at both the national and international level, especially in the fields of Formula One and World Rallying.
This collection makes up the second volume of short stories, the first being “Imperfect Recollections; Memory Fragments from and Ageing Medico”, published in 2020.
Some of the stories are just that – stories; but some of the subjects are possibly more reflective than the first book, attempting to examine the questions that confront us all.
Perhaps that kind of musing afflicts all of us who have fewer years ahead than behind us or perhaps it is just that we are vain enough to imagine that we have something worth saying.
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An Ordinary Child
Born in 1966, before it was legal to be gay in the United Kingdom. This is the personal and sometimes graphic account of a boy’s journey of sexual enlightenment through five decades. Told in short accounts the reader gets an insight into the life of a gay man. Discovering a crazy gay life only to face prejudice with the discovery of HIV in the 1980s. His travels take him through personal relationships and employment disputes. The historic changing attitudes and lowering of the age of consent in the 1990s. The introduction of civil partnership in the 2000s and eventually gay marriage in the 2010s. If the control of a relationship lies with whoever cares least, we will all go to hell!
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Apocalypse Dawn
Revelation, the culminating book of the Bible has inspired, intrigued, or just plain puzzled readers for almost 2,000 years. It remains enigmatic to many. However, once his intricate codes are cracked open, St John unveils its inexhaustible treasures to the inquiring mind–be it that of a theologian or an unlettered observer.
The book is not really a compendium of conundrums at all. It was not written in order to remain within a folded scroll on a hidden shelf. It was meant to be read and understood, to be absorbed, shared and declared, for it offers God’s answer to the perplexities encountered by humankind be they endemic to the 1st, 21st, or any century in between.
Revelation–The Apocalypse–is exactly what its title intends it to be: it is a revelation, a peeling back of the mystery to disclose God’s great and eternal plan of redemption. This is, actually, the subject matter of the entire Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – and the news, ultimately, is good.
Apocalypse Dawn is written to endorse the validity of God’s word for every age–yesterday, today and, tomorrow.
You are invited to lift the veil: discover the ultimate Revelation!
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Set in 1991 against the prelude to war in Croatia, Apok is a dystopian view of an imperfect world on the brink, as seen through the eyes of the equally imperfect hero sent to save it. For he is the ultimate psychopath, a formidable, soon-to-be-invincible, death machine, an anomaly which science thought impossible yet which religion had always prophesied. Who said the next messiah would be from heaven and that the second coming hasn’t already happened? And what if the battle for humankind’s survival is just about to begin?
Apok is a thought-provoking horror-fantasy, an exhilarating tour de force of forbidden taboos and crippling addiction. It is the stuff of nightmares, a roller coaster ride through the darkest recesses of the human psyche, where demons and monsters from twilight dimensions rip your dreams apart. It takes you through the pain barrier to places none of us want to go but are still curious to explore despite the terror. Apok is about humanity’s failings and how our species is heading for oblivion; it is about one man’s incredible journey and his audacious plan to put things right.
As the plan unfolds, Apok travels through the horrors of a damaged mind and how humankind must first suffer in order to survive. The plan to spread the madness that drives men to do evil things; his mission to wage war on everyone and everything. For his mantra is ‘take no prisoners, dispense death to all and spare no one!’ Apok is the dawn of Hell on Earth ...
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A storm is heading towards the city of Apollonia, and it is not just the bad weather. It is on horseback and in the shape of the Flock invaders. Being led by a man of mystery, the invaders are not necessarily there to break down the fabled walls, but can the Apollonians be convinced of the newcomer’s intentions?
The usual problems persist within Apollonia; lack of jobs, high taxes, trade deals along with an unpredictable monarch who has taken a fancy to making his mark in history. Sorvus, the last mage of Apollonia, is eager to save the city from the invaders but if he could not save the king’s wife, can he be relied upon to help save the city? A killer is on the loose but could he be the answer to stopping the onslaught by the Flock or even trusted?
Amongst all the chaos is a young boy called Tius, who just is after adventure with his friends but ends up getting more than he bargained for.