Vaul Impera investigates the fundamental philosophical aspects of power, demonstrating fundamental aspects of the relationship of power itself, and the relationship of power to human nature. Examining what power is, Vaul proceeds to discuss what power is to people, and in a convincing argument, illustrates how to increase in power, and also to determine if one is powerful. In the second writing of Immortalaeism, Vaul illuminates the philosophy of empire. Concerned with the element of rulership, which was discussed in power, Vaul provides a beginning for the philosophy of empire, which he simply uses as an empirical demonstration of power, indicating it is written to be an appendix, demonstrating power in organisation. Lastly, Vaul relates a spiritual book called Immortalae, which was produced through a spiritual endeavour that lasted thirteen years, from the time Vaul was eighteen. Attempting many religions experiences and philosophies, Vaul communicates his spirituality, which he has founded and established as his own religion, which in eventuality, includes all three written works into a paradigm that Vaul labels, Immortalaeism. Vaul provides spiritual answers that surround the notion of the holy grail in the final book. All three writings are transmitted through his personal experience on the subjects, and are a product of his life circumstances.
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Immortalaeism II
Immortalaeism II provides a book of application for power itself, and it also provides a book of application to the notions of eternal life and immortality. By crowning the series this far with a second book of Immortalae, which is the treatise of heroism, Vaul Impera provides a personal reality, where all of his philosophy and spiritualism may be applied; the idea of immortality itself. Combining the skill of power itself, given by a series of visions with the knowledge of immortality, Vaul pours this series together into the mould of an immortal man, as constant in the Universe as time, or justice. He foretells of the immortal man, a creation of the spiritual-philosophy he has written, Immortalaeism.
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Invisible Ink
London lawyer Max Rivers has it all - a burgeoning career, a beautiful girlfriend, an exclusive address - but he harbours a long-buried secret that threatens to destroy his carefully constructed world.Invisible Ink is a mesmerising novel of guilt, loss and betrayal within a family - of sibling jealousy that threatens to run out of control, a mother's life all-but forgotten through the fog of dementia and a son who longs to, but cannot, escape his past. Pippa Kelly's haunting debut offers a deft exploration of the complex emotions hidden beneath the surface of our lives; drawing its readers into Max's story and leading them, step by careful step, towards its inevitable dénouement.
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Juniper the Magic Caravan and The Adventures of Izzie and Ozzie: Finding Juniper
Izzie and Ozzie, Grandad Paul and Nanny Sue are out for a drive when they come across a caravan event at a local Garden Centre. One rather fine but old caravan takes their eye. The owner, who only wants to part with it to the right people, gives it to them as a gift, as he can see just how Juniper—the name of the caravan—would fit in, especially with two young children who could have adventure after adventure with Juniper and all the wonder and magic that hides within her.But will Ozzie believe as much as Izzie?
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Just an Idea
Ever had an itch you can't scratch? What happens when that itch arrives in the form of an idea? In this thought-provoking story, meet a man who gives his itchy idea away only to watch as it gains a life of its own out in the wide world.An intriguing story about the power of ideas and their capacity to move people in unexpected ways.
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Kendall's Longitude
Lost at sea: every mariner’s fear.Maritime navigational tools could find latitude, but finding longitude remained elusive until Harrison developed the reliable sea clock, H4. Building on H4’s success, Kendall made a series of nautical timekeepers, K1, K2 and K3. This is the story of the K2 timekeeper; its adventurous voyages, the people it touched, and its place in history. K2’s first voyage, accompanied by the young Nelson, was nearly its last in the crushing Arctic ice. The next two expeditions saw it survive kidnappings, nautical intrigue, and gunpowder plots of the American revolutionary wars. The slave coasts of Africa followed.Bligh took K2 on the Bounty, but lost it in a fight with the mutineers in 1789. It was recovered by an American Quaker from Nantucket, only to be stolen by the Spanish. It rode on mules along the Andes before sailing into the Opium Wars. K2 finally returned to Greenwich in 1963.DRAMATIC, THREE NATION 'STORY OF TIME'
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In 1990, Alice Weil was kidnapped in Colombia and held captive in a dark, windowless cell for 269 days. She tells the story of how she found the resources hidden deep inside her to survive captivity without taking her own life, losing her sanity or developing Stockholm syndrome. Instead, she was able to remain calm and courageous, always being polite and making conversation to her captors and using her time in ways that she would later be able to draw upon her daily life. The story tells of how she realised that experience contributed to who she is today and upon her release, she was able to face her beloved father's passing, continue being a devoted mother and wife, and lead a normal, productive life. She also learned that she was capable of closing the gap caused by the time she was not part of her family's life or the outside world.
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A book of many puzzles mostly in the Sudoku family, many of which are Killer Sudoku. There are many hints as to how these puzzles are made. Also included Kakuro, Futoshiki, Hittori, Slitherlink and others. Try your hand at the original puzzles, as invented in the eighteenth century by the great Swiss mathematician, Leonhard Euler.
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Last Touch
Dean Jamieson was murdered on 04/04/2006, leaving an irreplaceable void in the lives of those who held him dear. Dean's mother, Josephine, pens a devastating novel that is a deeply intimate and personal examination of the life and death of her child and the grief that accompanies such a loss.Jamieson critiques the landscape following an untimely death; the support of the social sector and the police, the role of the media and reportage and the effect on family.Jamieson's prose, whilst at times visceral, portrays the emotional weight of burying a child but offers, amongst the darkness, hope. This is a work, whilst being intimate, that transcends the personal and offers solidarity to those who have suffered the loss of a loved one.
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Leading Theories Of Delinquent Behavior And Criminology
Leading Theories of Delinquent Behavior and Criminology covers major theories of crime, delinquent behavior, and criminology. This introductory primer criminology book demonstrates the contemporary uses of each criminological theory and summarizes the major points of each. The text primarily focuses on providing students with uncomplicated elucidation of each theory's fundamental concepts and perspectives. This book offers a fruitful approach to understanding major theories of crime, delinquent behavior, and criminology.