Diana Princess of Whales
Diana, a beautiful and magical narwhal is lost, feeling scared and alone in the polluted ocean when she gets rescued by the great King Blue Whale.
Meet Oli the Orca and Tommy the Turtle and follow Diana’s fun and frolics as she makes friends and gets into all kinds of mischief.
Find out that what makes her unique and often gets her into trouble is the very reason she saves the day.
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Did You Ever
A beautiful picture book rhyme about the sights and sounds of living on a farm through the eyes of a vividly imaginative five-year-old.
The animals on the farm and the question of Did You Ever invite a funny narrative, bright and colourful pictures and a great story to read to your little ones.
Did You Ever asks if you can use your imagination and see what our five-year-old can see.
A fun little read for our wonderful children.
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Die! Not Likely
I like my poetry to cover Life that others will recognise and relate to.
I try to bring in emotions and humour to help others to think and see a different perspective.
I enjoyed writing this book which just seemed to happen between my second husband dying in 2014 and having my stroke in 2015.
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Diesel and Electric
Above the peaceful Walthamstow Marshes, a hungry kestrel eyes its prey while two young field mice, Diesel and Electric, play innocently below. Venturing out from their family nest within the railway embankment, the duo finds danger swooping down upon them. As the kestrel descends, allies from the marsh emerge: a vigilant rabbit and brave sparrow leader, Brown Wrist, rally to protect the young mice. Diesel and Electric is a tale of unexpected friendships and nature’s camaraderie unveiling amidst a thrilling struggle for survival in the heart of the marshland.
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‘Sometimes you have to make a mark, to show you were first, to show you matter and make a difference to the world.’
Damian Foley and his mate Chris Monk carry the weight of childhood illness and they have reached their teenage years with plenty to prove. It is the summer of 1966, a year of great change, the decimal currency has been introduced and the first troops from Australia are sent to the war in Vietnam, the largest overseas campaign since the Second World War. Chris’ brother Ross, ‘wins the lottery’ and is conscripted as a soldier to fight the Vietcong and the boys are busting to see Steve McQueen’s ‘The Great Escape’ at The Plaza.
It’s time for the boys to test their mettle. They are accepted into the local gang who test each other with war games and build a tunnel into the bank of the Patterson River. Will they make their mark? And will Ross return safely from Vietnam? Whatever the outcome, the characters will draw on their resources of courage and endurance.
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Digging for Gold
Billy Davies is a Welsh Falklands War veteran suffering from PTSD. His mental illness forces him into vagrancy. As he sits on a London street, he witnesses a tragic incident. A hastily erected memorial presents Billy with the opportunity to meet two sixth formers who help alter the direction of his life. Their lives become closely entwined and Billy discovers his creative ability to help others. He tackles major sociological problems on London’s streets and instigates a hair-raising rescue in the Middle East. This capacity to solve problems results in Billy becoming an acclaimed national figure. His ability to display the Midas touch brings him into conflict with a far-right group who are desperate to end his life. In a dramatic twist Billy makes a personal sacrifice to save a neo-Nazi’s life.
Following his counsel Billy’s two young friends establish themselves as eminent figures in society. Digging for Gold is a heart-warming story of human triumph over adversity providing a glimpse into the potential for creating a harmonious society.
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Dilly Cooper - Hat-astrophe
“Between Rose Thorn and Mrs Sneddle, school is miserable. Just know I hate Rose Thorn and she hates me—end of story. Or maybe it is the beginning?”
Dilly Cooper likes to draw comics and is just trying to have a little fun while getting through school. It can be hard sometimes with her nemesis, Rose Thorn, living down the street with her equally obnoxious father and dog, Tidbits. Rose lives up to her name and is a continuous thorn in Dilly’s side, always getting her into trouble.
Things go from bad to worse when her favourite teacher is replaced with horrible, math-loving Mrs Sneddle. The pressure is on, between calculating Rose Thorn and the pranks from the ‘Goon Boys’, Dilly finds it hard to keep out of trouble! Then auditions for the school production cause a stir of excitement. The show turns the promise of stardom into a hair-raising catastrophe!
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Dinner with the Founding Fathers
Few Australians have any awareness of how their nation was established on 1 January 1901 when six self-governing British colonies joined together as one nation.
It was achieved after a dozen years of superb negotiations in which Federation conventions drafted and agreed on a splendid constitution which was approved by six colonial parliaments, six referendums in which ordinary Australians had their say, negotiations in London to have the British parliament gave its approval and finally gain the agreement of a difficult Queen Victoria who wanted the six colonies to become counties of England.
Above all, it was achieved without violence, unlike their counterparts in USA.
Everald Compton has now written a vivid account of it all as he creates a dinner held ten years after Federation in which the founding fathers relive the great political and legal battles they fought and the huge parochial attitudes they overcame to create a nation.
It is one of those books which makes you stay awake to turn the
next page.
More importantly, it will get you thinking about the changes that are needed to the Constitution 120 years after Federation to make it relevant to a hugely different and rapidly changing world.£9.99 -
Disability & Me
“Never give up, raise your voice, so it’s heard and if you want something, go and get it. Define your own odds. And remember – “it’s not how long it takes you to get there – it’s about getting there in the end!””
Tyler’s Story is one of strength and resilience. Diagnosed at a young age with dyscalculia, dyslexia and hard of hearing, she faced bullies and unsupportive learning environments.
When she started work, despite all her achievements, people continued to try and bring her down. However, Tyler has come through the other side stronger than ever. Whatever life throws at her, she prevails, and her story will make you think twice about putting her in a box.
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Discombobulated and Other Poems
The poems in this engaging collection cover such topics as the seasons, the perils of overindulging during those seasons (as well as at other times), politics, religion, travel, the obvious superiority of cats over mere humans, and the simple, timeless virtues of honesty, sacrifice and charity.
No matter the subject, the poet’s sincerity, humour and intriguing view of human nature always shine through.£6.99 -
Dismas Crucified aka The Good Thief
“Truly I say to you, this day thou shalt be with me in Paradise.” Jesus gave to only one person such a promise. So who was he? Was he a follower of Jesus? No! Was he one of the Sanhedrin? No! Was he a rabbi? No. he was none of them. Instead, those words were addressed to a thief dying on a cross alongside Jesus. From his cross of death, Dismas spoke up in defence of Jesus, stating that they deserved their punishment, but that Jesus had done nothing wrong. Dismas then asked Jesus to remember him when he came into His kingdom. Jesus responded promising Paradise to Dismas that very day with those wonderful words, “Truly I say unto you, this day thou shalt be with me in Paradise.” Dismas, what do we know of him? ln truth, not much. We know his name, Dismas, that he was a thief being executed for his crimes, and that he spoke up in defence of Jesus and was greatly rewarded for it. With so little known about him, it has enabled me to explore his life as I have imagined him to be. This is a work of fiction, but based on historical fact. Read it, be as one with Dismas. You may shed a tear or two as you read it. I did as I wrote it. Enjoy.
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Diverse, Converse and in Verse
During his teaching ministry Jesus told several stories, often witty, which drew upon the circumstances and situations of his day. He used this method of teaching as a means of making a point, whether favourable or harsh, that his hearers would understand and recognise in their application to them. This book adapts, updates, and converts into whimsical verse a number of these stories, while also raising some new issues for today’s generation. It is not intended to be a substitute for reading the Gospels and other New Testament books, but is intended to direct and encourage readers to look and think more deeply into Jesus’ original words as recorded in Scripture and how they might apply to them.