The Peoplemad Success Model
A platform on which to build future success, covering the key elements needed to be successful. Learn how to take control, develop a strategy, get the right people, get the right people doing the right things, create the right environment, build your own capability and get you and your team all behaving as leaders. Phil Merrick is the founder of Peoplemad Ltd, a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership Management, an Advisory Board Member of the Youth Charter, a Business Mentor for Business Wales and a former senior executive with one of the biggest banks in Europe.He has a track record of building high performing teams and has spent a great deal of his career in trouble shooting roles helping businesses improve performance, particularly through the organisation and management of people. Phil is now focused on helping people improve performance using the Peoplemad Success Model © which he has developed to make the process easier for people.
£24.99 -
The Lean Tool Room. Problem Solving, Understanding You Have a Problem
The Lean Tool Room. Problem Solving, Understanding You Have a Problem by Mark Roberts is a book that explores in depth the 'Lean' business model. It explores the origins of the 'Lean' system and is a detailed guide for both employers and employees who want to know more about this system or may be considering implementing it in their business.Packed with useful information and diagrams, this book will appeal to anyone with an interest in business or the Lean business model.
£13.99 -
Trademark Dilution
The world has changed materially since the foundation of traditional trademark laws, according to which the purpose of a trademark was to serve as a differentiating source indicator, preventing source confusion in the marketplace. Traditionally, trademarks protected the public from likelihood of confusion, assisted in consumer decisions and reduced search costs.The need to award a special scope of protection to famous trademarks from use on non-competing goods was first discussed in Kodak in 1898, holding that the use of the word Kodak for a bicycle company does not mislead consumers but takes unfair advantage of reputation. However, the most significant point in the evolution of dilution, in its early stages, was the case of Odol decided in 1924, which was the first to acknowledge the need to protect the advertising power of trademarks from being diluted, even in the absence of a likelihood of confusion. This book will provide that dilution is a ‘sui generis’ brand remedy applicable to reputed trademarks in accordance to their aggregated inherent and acquired strength. The book will address the non-harmonised nature of dilution, which reflects a problem in an age of borderless trade and cyber commerce and emphasises the need to answer the question: To what extent should reputed trademarks be protected by dilution beyond the traditional trademark protection from likelihood of confusion?The book includes a proposal for an operative legal framework based on conclusions and distinctions derived from the comparison of dilution, as adopted and interpreted in different areas of the world, comparative case studies and comparison with neighbouring legal rights, such as Tort Law, Unfair Competition, Moral Rights, Equitable Rights, Publicity Rights and Unlawful Enrichment.
£59.99 -
The Quantum Economy
In a world where technology is driving rapid change and connecting us like never before, one thing has remained stagnant: air travel. Since the retirement of the Concorde in 2003, supersonic civilian flights have become a thing of the past. Entrepreneurs and aspiring business leaders must turn to private jet travel to stay ahead of the competition. This book explores the opportunities available to those who act fast, using real-life stories of successful entrepreneurs who have leveraged the speed and convenience of private jets to build their businesses and stay ahead in the quantum economy. Discover how you too can use private jets to connect, compete and succeed in today's fast-paced business world.
£12.99 -
Unique - the economic life
Connections in life are necessary to proceed with gaining what you want in life and achieving the best for yourself. Avoiding loneliness and being part of life is the way to stay alive: to maintain conversation and get news from around the world. Negotiation is the only way to achieve what you want in life.
£5.99 -
Tuppence in the Bank
Tuppence in the Bank is an absorbing and informative read with the ability to capture the attention of all readers, whether they are already well-versed in investing and its origins, or possess little to no direct subject knowledge, and can lead them to become well-informed.
It provides important and useful facts as well as clear and astute analysis, which make for an attractive and instructive read, showing the correlation between smart money management and profitable investing strategies. This will certainly prove to be a valuable tool for universities, newcomers, and enthusiasts alike.
£7.99 -
The Pocket Guide to a Sales Career
The Pocket Guide to a Sales Career is written to help anyone who wishes to make a career in sales. Tony Yardley is not a regular author who wishes to promote a small part of his job as his inspiration. He has spent over 50 years in sales and he wishes to pass it on to anyone that is seriously considering taking it up as a career. It is aimed at people leaving school or college or anyone changing careers in mid-life.
This book tries to cover as many aspects of sales as possible including interviews with professionals. Some of these might items might seem basic depending on your experience but please persevere, because a reminder of what you already know can be as good as learning it the first time.
A successful career in sales will give you a skill set that you will be able to transfer to many other businesses, whether you’re employed or self-employed, and will always give you an income even into old age.
Selling is not about getting someone to buy what they do not want. In fact, it is about selling something to someone that improves their business or their life.
Success in any business is to identify a market and supply that market.
£6.99 -
The Naked Negotiator
Would you like a higher salary? Are you nervous and unsure about how to ask? You’re not alone. Research shows that a third of men and more than half of women are uncomfortable asking for a pay rise. This is no trivial matter. Over the course of a typical career, allowing your employer to consistently pay you below the market rate for your role can deprive you of hundreds of thousands of pounds. It doesn’t have to be this way. Engaging and entertaining, The Naked Negotiator will arm you with knowledge and confidence. In what often feels like an unfair struggle between experienced, knowledgeable managers and apparently powerless employees, you need no longer fear this most daunting of career challenges.
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The Decision Paradigm
Decisions, decisions, decisions… Throughout history, people have had to step up to the plate, and make tough decisions. Sometimes they have had time to plan, but often they have had to act spontaneously, knowing that the choices they make there and then are quite likely to be sifted over for months and years after should the outcome be ‘wrong’. In today’s litigious, ‘trial by media’ society, it is little wonder that people are less willing to put themselves in the firing line. But what if there was a better way? The Decision Paradigm gives an insight into that world. Using a step-by-step approach, the ‘Problem Oriented Decision System’ (PODS) leads to better problem analysis and provides a clear, evidence-based approach which enables the user to explain how they came to make the choice they did, and not just why? The Decision Paradigm is an essential handbook for anyone in the public or private sector who needs to take their organisation forward with accountable decision making.
£9.99 -
The Chocolate Elephant Part 1
Putting Information Technology first and the business second is putting the cart before the horse.
In most organisations, there seems to be a disconnect between the business and Information Technology, and in some regards, IT is looked on as the silver bullet that can be used to resolve all problems and issues. This has occurred due to Information Technology becoming so embedded in organisations and being required for the execution of most business processes.
It should be noted that Information Technology is a tool used to enable the execution of a business process. It is an important tool, but nonetheless, it is only a tool.
Organisations need to shift the focus back to the business and ensure that the technology they are using fits in with the requirements of their business processes. This will ensure that businesses become more efficient and effective and that they are only using and being supported for the technology that they require. Only in very exceptional circumstances, should a business process be altered to fit in with Information Technology.
£7.99 -
The Blue Mist
The science of human factors is often overlooked, yet it is pivotal in the pursuit of safety. Understanding what makes us tick, our behaviours and how we interact with others, and the ability to visualise potential threats and errors has many advantages. Such as developing better interpersonal and communication skills, which can assist in growing your leadership or team working skills. The ability to see threats and errors can improve safety, reduce costs, and increase productivity.
The Blue Mist is a personal guidebook on human factors; through the author’s experiences and research, the reader can explore and learn the basic human factor concepts. Extensive research in well-known disasters such as the Ladbrook Grove rail disaster, The Costa Concordia Grounding, and the Irish Coast Guard helicopter accident, together with the author’s accounts of incidents and accidents, combine to give an informative and fascinating insight.
The field of human factors developed by the aviation industry is becoming recognised as a critical element in many other sectors. Adopted as a safety element in the shipping, rail, and medical sectors, it has increased safety and reduced accidents. This book assists both novice and experienced human factor advocates and is an excellent tool in exploring the human factor concepts and values.
£16.99 -
The Art of Sales
I consider the art of sales to be a chess game well-thought, strategically planned and played carefully. One needs to know the rules of the game and the ethics. It is not only a matter of how well you know the game or play it but also a matter of human psychology, soul, character (which includes the elements of patience), fear, insights, instincts and correct observation without being hasty or careless which will help you prevail. It is a matter of how we behave when we are under pressure, when we are surprised and when we realise that we are not going to win. Can we control our nerves? Can we take it easy? Can we look for a different plan and adapt quickly when things go wrong? This is an art and it is more important than the knowledge. It comes with experience. The more you play, the more you are in control. The Art of Sales is based on exactly the same thinking. Play safely.