Tales from a Stone Town
In the seemingly calm and inconspicuous Stone Town, a beautiful tree grows between the houses, emitting an enchanting scent of ice cream each summer. Maggie and her classmates stumble upon an even bigger secret tied to this magical tree, embarking on an unforgettable summer adventure.With the help of Mrs. Goldieeee, the kind-hearted owner of the local candy store, the children uncover the mysteries behind the tree’s captivating aroma. Together, they discover that the tree holds more than just a pleasant scent: it hides secrets that could change their lives forever. Join Maggie and her friends as they learn the true power of friendship, uncover hidden truths, and experience the magic that can be found when they work together.
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The Most Powerful Magic Of All
The Magic Show is in town and Archie is on a mission to find the most powerful magic of all.
Will the magician have the answer he seeks? Or maybe the fortune-teller will?
Embark on his adventure and follow his quest as he searches high and low for his answer.
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The Magic High Street
The high street is bustling with Christmas cheer, but for Jenny and Jim, the magic is just beginning. After a stop at a cozy teashop, the ordinary world transforms into something extraordinary. Talking fire hydrants, helpful lampposts, and even chatty horses become their new reality.
But is it all real, or just a figment of their imagination? The family embarks on a series of weekend adventures, seeking to uncover the truth behind the talking objects and the mysterious purple haze that surrounds them.
Join Jenny and Jim as they navigate the enchanting high street, where the line between reality and fantasy blurs, and every corner holds a new surprise.
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The Rainbow Children
Rudd, Ola, Yann, Gann, Bell, Plum and Plim are the Rainbow children. They live in a white castle in the clouds.
On a journey to Earth, down the rainbow, protected by Cirrus Cloud, they make friends with two children. This is the story of the adventures they have together. They even get to meet Santa Claus!
Enjoy the colourful rainbow venture with the band of friends and their alien chums.
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The Roadside Fairies Save Christmas
Christmas, a time of joy for Father Christmas, his elves, and the creatures who all support this special magical time. Preparations have been planned meticulously to ensure that on Christmas Eve, Father Christmas and his skilled reindeer fly all over the world to deliver their gifts.
Jouka, a reindeer of high standing with the herds, has been requested to meet with Father Christmas. Excitedly, he bids farewell to his family and gallops off. Not long into his journey, he sees a flash of light coming from underground, feels an unknown sensation, and falls to the ground, unresponsive. Who or what has done this to such a beautiful creature is not known, and why at such a crucial time? An evil presence begins to be felt by all in Lapland.
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Superhero Panda
In the huge, endless space, where stars twinkle like fairy lights and galaxies look like colourful paintings, there’s a special hero called Superhero Panda. She’s a brave and cool black girl, wearing a shiny red cape and her job is to help kids in trouble across the planets.
She isn’t like other heroes. She grew up in cities floating in the sky among the stars and discovered she had special powers there. She’s super strong from playing among the asteroids, fast from zipping around planets!
When she hears that children are in trouble far away in space, Superhero Panda rushes to help. Guided by the twinkling stars and her big heart, she travels through space to rescue them from bad guys and fierce creatures.
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Fairies at Number 55: Beyond the Bridleway
Enchanting and charming are everyday words for us today, as are magic and magical. We talk of magic tricks, of magicians and magical moments, magical mystery tours, moods or music.
But there is a magic, an old magic which exists in an ancient realm far, far older than us and all of our modern magic. It is as old as life itself and interweaves amongst us in our sleeping and half-sleep states. The old magic kingdom is home to dragons, to spells and fables, mermaids, fairies and to unicorns.
The Fairies from Number 55 are excited to be on their first holiday away, beyond the bridleway. Staying with their affectionate aunt, Sunbeam and uncle Mistral, they are delighted to be joining their cousins Pippin and Clover, who are so very like them. Pippin and Clover have wings of light bright greenish and bronze hues and resemble, in the right shade of light, a pair of damsel flies.
Before very long, the fairy family are once again cheerfully weaving in and out of the lives of yet more woodland creatures and tiny “giants”, making gifts, rescuing fawns and even restoring Woody the Wonder Dog’s bark!
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If Dresses Could Talk
Jane and Terry may be in the same history class, but they come from different worlds. When they have to pair up to work on a school project, their trip to the museum doesn’t quite go as planned…
Join them in a historical fashion adventure as they discover the deadliest dresses to date and meet some spooky friends along the way!
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The Man from the Moon Takes a Holiday
The little man from the moon felt he needed a holiday and decided that, as the Earth looked so pretty when he looked down, that was definitely the place he wanted to go. The little man from the moon always travelled on moonbeams, so he packed his little bag, said goodbye to his wife, and chose the most comfortable moonbeam he could find to start his holiday.
The moonbeam landed in a very beautiful garden which belonged to the family of two young brothers, Aaron and Jason. Just as he arrived in their garden, Jason happened to be looking out of the bedroom window.
Then began a visit where the little man from the moon saw everything as very exciting, seeing things that Jason and Aaron found ordinary very extraordinary. Until he realised there were no moonbeams to take him home. What will happen then?