Animal Alphabet
Animal Alphabet is an engaging and colourful book introducing young children to the Alphabet.
Lives and habitats of the animals are covered in many of the poems which also relate to some of the other animals in the collection.
From ‘Amy the Armadillo’ to ‘Zumba the Zonkey’ (a cross between a male zebra and female donkey), we are transported to the animal world with delightful images reflecting the lives of the animals.
It features a dog called Dido, Colin the Cat (a rather hungry one), a punk skunk called Sebastian, a rather sick dinosaur, a fat Turtle and a pig called Priscilla. Not forgetting the infamous Queenie the Quadrasaurapod!
Come and join the animals on the farm, in the jungle, up in the sky, under the sea and the house next door.
£13.99 -
Shaped Animals
Shaped Animals is a great way to enjoy learning and remembering maths and shapes through storytelling. Meet Triangle Tiger who goes on the search to find other shaped animal friends to join his party. On this adventure, you will get to learn about the four main basic shapes through the animals explaining and introducing themselves.