The Pink Cadillac
A captivating tale of love, lust, and unbridled desire where setbacks lead to unexpected benefits. Scarlet never imagined that losing her most valued asset would open a new chapter in her life and quench her long-standing thirst. Struggling to communicate her emotions honestly, she eventually finds the strength, inspired by an unidentified force, as if nature itself bestowed its treasures upon her.A restless spirit, fallen from heaven to earth, finds solace in a simple activity. Two close friends, trapped in various situations for years, remain unaware of how close their destination truly is. When Dakota left her profession at the peak of her career due to unforeseen circumstances, the same profession found a new Dakota years later. In this seductive and kinky story, the universe uses bizarre circumstances to guide each character to their destined path.
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Never Far from the Truth
It all started as a bit of lighthearted fun, mates on a bachelor party. That is until Alex and his friends came across a fortune teller spinning a tale. Alex would meet his future wife, who would be wearing a pearl necklace. Sure enough, two years later, they met at a wine bar, eventually getting married and having a child. Only for Alex to discover he had married the wrong woman. His wife had borrowed the necklace she wore that night, from her friend, who so happened to be at the bar that night. To make matters worse, Alex was only meant to have been in his wife’s life for a short period of time to reveal a dark and disturbing secret belonging to his now deceased father. By not disclosing his secret to his wife, Alex, unbeknownst to him, changed the future, denying his wife from meeting the man she was destined to marry, causing a devasting butterfly effect. It appears Alex cannot get anything right; he just happens to end up as the guy that everyone loves to hate. The more Alex tries to do the right thing, the worse it gets, not just for him but also for his wife. Alex is someone with little or no morals as we sit back and watch his life unravel into utter chaos, deceit, and untruths being spoken.