Change Your Life Forever!
Did you know that we have the freewill and are always given a chance to choose the kind of life we want to live? You can either choose to live in sin and choose a sinful lifestyle or alternatively, you can opt for living a life based upon the principles and core values of righteousness. In reality, you have a choice. Most people rarely question the way that they live and automatically follow a path of mindless and senseless self-destruction, destroying relationships with themselves and with others - by choosing to allow sin to underpin their hidden agendas and motivations for their life choices. But the truth is that you don’t have to live this way.
This book was written to help every person in the world understand how the seven deadly sins as we know them are not only extremely dangerous to us and those around us, but are the reasons and root causes that can lead us down the road of destruction. Understanding the ways these sins may operate or manifest in a person’s life, and how to deal with them, can help us to banish sinful and destructive routes in life once and for all. As it is only then that we can choose to turn our backs on the very lives that are causing us immense pain and suffering. Choosing to live a life of sin equates to gradual emotional and spiritual suicide, whereby one’s once joyful spirit and moral character of nobility and righteousness are eroded and eventually lost forever.
What are the benefits you will gain from reading this book?
• Help people from around the world understand how to combat these seven deadly sins, develop the willpower to consciously overcome destructive emotions and underlying motives - help you to restore a sense of hope, purpose, and new-found direction in your life.
• Will help you live a life based on truth and stop you from making costly mistakes that are causing you unhappiness, perennial pain, and suffering.
• Will help you realize that you deserve to be happy, and deserve to have a better life through simply knowing what is presented to you in this book; learning, understanding, and implementing the life-changing virtues taught in this self-help guide.
• Will help you will gain the ability to recognize the material manifestations of the seven deadly sins in the world and the people around you, and how best to neutralize or combat these attacks on your own lives.
• Incrementally find liberation and be set free and change your life forever! Our main motivating purpose is to liberate all people in this world. No matter who you are, where you’re from, your individual circumstances, or your past mistakes or faults. This guide will ultimately help you to understand that your destiny is your own to change!
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Everything I Need to Know About Life I Learned from My Houseplants
Life is a journey and finding our place in that life can feel overwhelming. Who am I? Where do I belong? How do I cultivate a life that makes my heart happy?
“He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened.” ― Lao Tzu
While there are many books written on self-discovery, Everything I Need to Know About Life I Learned from My Houseplants is unique in its approach by using the growth cycle and care of houseplants to impart wisdom and essential life lessons for living an authentic life.
Throughout the book, the author’s own journey of personal growth unfolds alongside practical information and care tips for raising happy, healthy houseplants. While this little book tackles some tough topics, such as her struggle with depression and experience in an abusive relationship, it is done with a lightness and humour that makes you feel like you’ve known the author for years.
This book will leave you feeling inspired and ready to change and improve your own life, as well as those of your houseplants.
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Mindfulness for Cat Lovers
Mindfulness for Cat Lovers invites you to find out more about mindfulness in a way that is fun and naturally fits with what you love: your cats. It contains simple exercises that can help you find peace in your day and build gratitude and happiness in your life.
Cats have a soothing influence and are all about the present moment, as such they make the perfect pet to demonstrate the principles and benefits of mindfulness.
This book is designed to be light, helpful and entertaining. It might even be the start for some on the path of a wonderful ‘mindful’ journey…
£12.99 -
Politics, Bullies and You
We are all born unique, our own energy making up a part of our shared universe; through education, society and the status quo, we soon become normal. We are all part of a system, one that, at times, does not work to our advantage. It’s time to open all our minds, go to sleep and listen to our dreams, learning through the night. Politics, bullies, wars, guns, famine and popups, the world needs none of that, but it does need you.
This is a story about my life, my eight-year journey through a broken system, a citizen to a government who ignored me. I stopped playing and started working, only to find myself abused by my superiors. I developed epilepsy, which led to either a mental breakdown or a spiritual awakening. Life’s like a movie, write your own ending, keep believing and keep pretending, that’s what I’ve always set out to do.
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The Labyrinth: Rewiring the Nodes in the Maze of Your Mind (Rewired Edition)
For thousands of years, the labyrinth has been a symbol for wholeness, which can only be experienced when we live from our centre. As we develop in this world, society’s limiting beliefs hijack our perception, cocooning themselves around our essence; thus, we lose touch with our timeless self.
Fear-based beliefs compartmentalise our energy. They convince us that we’re an isolated fragment instead of one with collective consciousness—if you ever feel this way, then this book is for you!
The integration of fear-based emotions leads you back to your wholeness of being, which never left you. In this book, you’ll learn how to reconnect to your inner self and create the life you truly desire.
Only our beliefs separate us—whether religious, political, along with others—individually and collectively, Humanity must dissolve these limiting mindsets so we can live peacefully to embrace all life, on Gaia and beyond!
So, take my hand as I guide you through the maze of your old self, back to your inner self, where the illusions of the past have no more power over you.
Get ready to embrace your innate perfection.
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The Mastery of Life
This book analyses and provides insights into eight key parts of a meaningful life, which when mastered, will make big difference in your life. Due to the complexity of our biological make up, it’s almost impossible to cover all relevant topics without losing focus on what’s important. The aim is to give you a starting point so that you can ask yourself questions about who you really are and what you need to do to be the best you can be. Normally, that is only possible by understanding basic holistic principles of your being, such as interaction of your mind, body and consciousness for the creation of the perfection that you are. The main reason is that everything comes from within and everything you will ever need resides right within you and nowhere else. This means that if you want something, look no further than yourself. Because whatever you desire, you already have it within you and when you become consciously aware of it, the universe has no other choice but to abide by your desire.
This book provides you with the starting point of your journey into self-awareness. Here is the brief summary of the topics covered: understanding your thoughts and dreams; the complex relationship of your thoughts and emotions; causes of stress; living in now; the power of self-belief; effective communication; relationships and understanding your body.
Naturally, it will take many books and volumes to truly depict principles behind the mastery of life, but every journey starts with one small step and maybe this book represents that step; the step that will ultimately lead you to master your own life.
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The Way We Are
The Way We Are is an account of a life passed in England, Saudi Arabia, and 50+ years in post-war Japan.
How a search for peace of mind became an attempt at self-realization – “satori” or enlightenment, and an acceptance of why we cannot be other than we are – involving (for no clear reason) an induction into a local secret society, learning to deal with voices in the head and telepathy, hypnotism and “Ki” (being manipulated by another person’s will), prescience, visual and other apparitions, 'ghosts', 'poltergeists' etc. All personally experienced without the influence of any stimulants.
This book deals with questioning the limitations of ‘self’ as sufficient identity in this truly modern world, a world where every single one of us is now almost certainly, at some stage, going to be obliged to recognize themselves as that very much rejected and unwanted ‘other’. It also explores moving the mind away from conflict as a solution and examining the fine line between political, commercial, philosophical/religious guidance and control.
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What Does It Mean To Be Human?
In the absence of divine direction, how do we decide for ourselves the behaviours that would best serve our own interests, and those of other creatures, and of the planet as a whole? What might we turn to and draw upon to help us in making our own rules and in establishing our own moral principles?
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Where the Soul Flies
In his book, Where the Soul Flies, Malcolm Southwood describes what to expect when we leave this world to move into the next one. He uses his own experience of out-of-body states to explain a process we will all come to know at some future date. In a matter-of-fact way, he guides the reader through the various situations the traveller will most probably be guided. He goes on to explain the purpose of rebirth, family associations, the number of earthly visits we are likely to endure and the process of re-entry back into the lessons of earthly life.
Where the Soul Flies is an essential read for everyone interested in the experience which follows life and who wants to understand something of the process of eternal awareness.
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The Journal – A Journey to Yourself
This Journal is for YOU.
Journaling is a private invitation to the doorway of the soul.
When we slow down and take the time to sit with ourselves, we are delving into the part of us that no one else can see and no one else ever really knows completely.
When you shift your awareness away from the thinking mind, you move a little closer to the feeling heart. Flip through and start anywhere on a page that resonates with you.
You decide.
I hope you cherish this journal and that you get to know yourself on a deeper level.
There are 365 days in the year – why not let today be one of them.
This is your memory keepsake – believe me, your future self will thank you.
Enrich your Life.
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Mind and Thought
This is a valuable self-help tool to improve lives through dynamic thoughts. It provides techniques, exercises and essays to help the readers improve their self-observation, concentration, knowledge and awareness; master contemplation, alertness and diligence; confront negative thoughts by uprooting, observation, exaggeration and neutralization; achieve targets through seeding, visualization, creativity, persistence, good habits, affirmation, imprinting, developing intuition, image propping and will. These ideas are based on the six laws of the thought and of the mind, including the Law of Direction and the Law of Attraction. If you would like to understand better and know more about the workings of the human mind, then this book can aid you. Learn to create using the dynamic power of thought, master the six laws, cultivate your mind, overcome predominant reality, think differently, take control, and more as you develop your power of thought.
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The Gift - The 7 Laws of Success
Do you find yourself questioning why stress gets to you so easily? Why you constantly get angry and upset? Why things do not seem to go your way no matter how much effort you make? Do you feel that something is missing, and you cannot quite pinpoint what it is?We fall ill and resort to traditional medicine to get cures. By taking medicines and drugs, we are healed, but frequently the same illness returns. Medicine is just a short term fix to our problems in order to allow us to get back on our feet and back in action.Similarly, in life and in our constant search for happiness, we resort to short term ‘fixes'. We buy material things to make us feel better; we chase powerful cars, big houses and fall into the vicious cycle of lust, all for the sake of contentment and happiness that is nothing but temporary.Doing this satisfies the mind and brings joy for a while, until we feel down again and go in search of something else: a better car, a better house... even a better partner. We need to break this obsession by getting to the root of the problem. It takes time, but ‘THE GIFT' shows us a long term strategy to achieve lasting happiness, success and most importantly - peace. Using the 7 laws is like taking alternative medicine to cure our wounds in life, not just tackling the surface of the problem, but going right down to the core.Read this book, apply the laws. See with your own eyes where it takes you.