Greener Pastures
If you have ever wondered at the racial and ethnic diversity you encounter on the streets of London or any of the larger cities in the UK today, this book will give you an insight as to how and why this phenomenon occurred. What was life like for these people in their original homeland? What was the call of Britain to them? Why has Britain become their home? And introspectively, did the British not spread themselves across the globe so that one once claimed: ‘The sun never sets on the British Empire?’
Was the Britain of the 1950s a truly welcoming place for ‘Windrush’ emigrants? The fact that most of them stayed on to make their lives here is testimony to their resilience rather than the influence of an accepting attitude from the host nation. The Transport, Health and Construction industries certainly needed their manpower, but the influx of a non-white contingent of job seekers seemed to threaten the livelihood of the local working-class population. Racial prejudice reared its ugly head from time to time, and conflict resolution became a necessary tool in the building of harmonious relationships. This resulted in a changing attitude which enabled the formation of today’s modern, multicultural Britain.
£9.99 -
The Golf Club and Chess Society
Step into the captivating world of Bletchley Park, where codebreakers not only deciphered enemy messages but also cultivated a vibrant cultural life. The Golf Club and Chess Society, a gentle parody of ‘Government Code and Cipher School,’ delves into the previously untold stories of the Park’s artistic endeavours.
Witness the growth of the Musical Society, which began with intimate light music shows and small soirees shared among members. As time passed, the society expanded to include distinguished guests from outside the Park and even welcomed renowned professionals who were secretly part of the codebreaking team.
Discover the evolution of the BP Drama Group, from a small group of enthusiasts to a highly-skilled company whose reputation extended far beyond the confines of Bletchley Park. Explore surviving scripts that reveal the creative process behind individual sketches and items, and uncover the sources of inspiration for the talented writers.
Poetry flourished at BP, thanks to the presence of nationally recognized writers, while fine art persevered despite wartime shortages. Dance was not only enjoyed for recreational purposes but also as a means of personal improvement. And, of course, chess players were legendary figures in the codebreaking scene – but why?
Through the use of original and contemporary sources, this account provides a unique insight into the ways in which these gifted artistes enriched their extraordinary universe.
£16.99 -
Echoes of Revolution
Within the intricate narrative woven in The God on Earth, an enchanting tale unfurls, beckoning us into the very core of ‘The Echo of Revolution.’ This immersive journey delves into the profound and enduring struggles of impoverished and marginalized minorities, resonating deeply in the context of the modern era. Whether bound by the identity of a Kurd or entangled in the intricacies of a minority religion, such as Baháʼí, life within these communities mirrors a profound form of human bondage.
In the realm of ‘God on Earth,’ neither the reigning monarch nor the subsequent ruler, the Engle, could extend a helping hand to the little girl, Sara and her beleaguered family. To compound their challenges, a Baháʼí girl named ‘Iran’, was born one frosty night in an apple garden, initially bringing a glimmer of joy to young Sara. However, this fleeting happiness soon waned in the grasp of uncontrollable rioting.
Against the ever-shifting tableau of political leadership, revolutions unfold like chapters, yet their transformative power falters in reshaping the destinies of these minorities. Whether dictated by religious beliefs or linguistic nuances, Sara and Iran’s parents grapple with enduring discrimination, navigating a relentless status quo that persists despite the tumultuous winds of political change. Finally, who can save Sara and her little adopted sister, Iran?
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Running, Hiding, and Hoping
This book offers an unprecedented comparative study of five landmark court cases on slavery, tried on both sides of the Atlantic and spanning nearly a century: Somerset, the Zong, the Amistad, the Creole, and Dred Scott.
Dr. Nicholls reviews these cases through an interdisciplinary lens, analysing their historical, socio-economic and political rami cations. He also raises the critical issue revolving around the volatile and often conflicting notions of freedom, property, property rights, the definition of ownership, as well as the basic human right and authority to assert these rights whether or not they are legally recognised.
Finally, this study explores how the application of positive law, explicitly and exclusively devoted to the social control of slaves was also contrary to the declared tenets of natural law and how this tension was largely ignored.
£12.99 -
Art and Institutional Racism
Why is the history of modern art only about the work of White/European artists? This question is not rhetorical, but about the reality of Eurocentric legacies of colonialism and racism, which not only sees artists of Asian and African origins as outside of art history but also excludes them from it. In this pioneering work, Art & Institutional Racism, Rasheed Araeen reveals how Asian, African and the Caribbean artists in Britain have challenged this exclusion.
Their work not only confronts the Eurocentricity of art history but also redefines modernism and its art history. And in doing so it aims to liberate art from Eurocentrism and also society as a whole from its lingering imperialism.
£18.99 -
Idea and Image
What does art tell us about man’s place in history?
In Thought and Image, award-winning author and philosopher Fredrik Lång takes the reader on a two-thousand-year journey spanning the worlds of art and philosophy, from ancient Greece into the modern day. Thought and Image explores the ways in which artistic expression is linked to the way of life and manner of thought of people throughout the centuries.
“Art, like knowledge, is an interpretation of a contemporary existence, executed in the concepts that thinking provides at the time. Every picture is worth a thousand words and every significant work of art contains a statement and is a confirmation of the general values of its time.”
Lång journeys slowly through the winding gallery of images and concepts that man has built up over the millennia, analysing the gaze of Giotto and the technical metaphors of Duchamp. The book ends with a challenging question: What is the significance of the insights gained for the understanding of our own time?
£10.99 -
The Fleet Air Arm
This book uncovers many hidden facts and untold stories of the Fleet Air Arm (FAA), shedding light on its remarkable history, much of which has not been widely published. It offers a concise yet vivid account of how the Royal Navy’s Air Service (RNAS) evolved over the years, shaped by over a century of political manoeuvring and its long-standing rivalry with the Royal Air Force. Even today, the FAA continues to operate in the shadow of the RAF, as seen in the ongoing developments surrounding the Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers and the F-35B aircraft they now carry, frequent subjects in the media.Few know that the last serviceman to die in the Second World War was an FAA pilot, shot down over Japan at the very end of the Pacific conflict. While FAA victories such as Taranto and the Falklands are well known, it may surprise readers to learn that the FAA briefly flew Lancasters in 1946. And in the Gulf War, FAA Westland Lynx helicopters made history by virtually wiping out Iraq’s navy using Sea Skua missiles, the first time seaborne helicopters achieved such a feat.This book also features the most comprehensive post-1945 timeline of the FAA, a reflection of the decline of Britain’s maritime power over recent decades. Enriching the narrative are personal anecdotes from FAA personnel, highlighting their bravery, dedication, and sacrifice in the line of duty.
£20.99 -
The PI (π) Cycle Secret of the 360-days year calendar
In The PI (π) Cycle, discover the fascinating history of the ancient calendar and how it was ultimately changed by the will of God. Follow the story of King Hezekiah of Judea, whose life was extended by 15 years, and learn about the ground-breaking calendar reforms of Julius Caesar. Explore the observations of ancient astronomers, including the Egyptians and Hipparchus, and how they tracked the length of the year. Uncover the mysteries of how the earth generates natural time at God’s command and how it was altered to accommodate King Hezekiah’s request. This thought-provoking book will leave you marvelling at the power of God and the complexity of time.
£7.99 -
The History of Skipton
The History of Skipton is the most comprehensive history of the town for almost 150 years. The book focuses on the life of ordinary Skipton townsfolk and their health, hygiene, work and recreation. Covering the period from the Norman Conquest to the 21st century, The History of Skipton uses long-forgotten reports and archives to reveal many details which have never been published before.
£18.99 -
RAF 100 Group - Kindred Spirits
This remarkable book brings together for the first time writings of RAF 100 Group who, during WWII, flew secret operations deep into the heart of Germany - identifying and jamming enemy radar, working with Bletchley Park and the Y-Service, supporting SOE and the Resistance.Over 55,000 men died in Bomber Command, the highest casualty rate of any Unit. On VE Day, Churchill praised those who contributed to victory, with one glaring omission - Bomber Command, of which this Group was a valued part. What happened to his stirring words: ‘The fighters are our salvation, but the bombers alone provide the means of victory'?Seventy years on, RAF 100 Group remains shrouded in mystery, their families unaware as veterans take their secrets to the grave.This book represents a tribute, a Memorial, proof of their existence, finally giving them recognition so richly deserved.
£14.99 -
Manchester United in Tears
This book takes you back to that black and white era, in the days of the maximum wage, when football was still fun. The ‘Busby Babes’, seeking a third consecutive Championship title made a blistering start to the 1957/58 season and, with three England regulars – Byrne, Edwards and Taylor – attracted huge crowds wherever they played as spectators revelled in their adventurous, attacking football. As the season progressed, surprisingly United's form became patchy and by the end of the year, they sat in fourth position. The New Year brought more consistency and progress to the F. A. Cup Fifth round and Quarter Finals of the European Cup.Fate was to play a terrible hand when, on returning from Belgrade via Munich, their chartered plane crashed whilst attempting a third take-off, killing seven players and other passengers. Tragically, fifteen days later, Duncan Edwards also lost his fight for life. Manchester United completed the season and amazingly reached the F. A. Cup Final.The story of this eventful season is told on a day by day, match by match basis, providing a fascinating insight into the world of football in the 1950s.
£11.99 -
Kendall's Longitude
Lost at sea: every mariner’s fear.Maritime navigational tools could find latitude, but finding longitude remained elusive until Harrison developed the reliable sea clock, H4. Building on H4’s success, Kendall made a series of nautical timekeepers, K1, K2 and K3. This is the story of the K2 timekeeper; its adventurous voyages, the people it touched, and its place in history. K2’s first voyage, accompanied by the young Nelson, was nearly its last in the crushing Arctic ice. The next two expeditions saw it survive kidnappings, nautical intrigue, and gunpowder plots of the American revolutionary wars. The slave coasts of Africa followed.Bligh took K2 on the Bounty, but lost it in a fight with the mutineers in 1789. It was recovered by an American Quaker from Nantucket, only to be stolen by the Spanish. It rode on mules along the Andes before sailing into the Opium Wars. K2 finally returned to Greenwich in 1963.DRAMATIC, THREE NATION 'STORY OF TIME'