Bridge for Beginners
Bridge is a wonderful game. It is interesting, challenging and frustrating all at the same time. It keeps your brain active and alert and it gives you an opportunity to create new and lasting friendships with like-minded people.
“It is rare to find a bridge book that combines simplicity with comprehensive cover of all the basic rules of bridge, and yet this book does exactly that. George builds a solid foundation for the beginner by going through the bidding sequences step by step in a logical and orderly fashion and then presenting examples to show how those steps actually work. I can highly recommend this for those who want to learn the basics. It is also ideal for those who have played and now want to rekindle and update their skills. The book will also work nicely as a manual for teachers who teach beginners.”
— Marty Bergen
£3.50 -
Adult Colouring Book - Spring Secrets
This beautiful set of elegant, delicate drawings create imaginative landscapes for readers to fill with their minds.
This collection is particularly concerned with the bloom and growth of spring, nature and humanity intertwined and contorted into amorphous beauty.
Karen Harper’s Spring Secrets will appeal strongly to anyone with an artistic disposition looking to express themselves and truly engage with the art contained within.
£3.50 -
A True Story
Decades of profound experiences and downright bizarre situations thrust Anne Bateson unexpectedly into the realms of the paranormal.
As a seeker of truth, this new author felt compelled to share her reality with others. She’s spent her life immersed in books as a prolific reader, but why choose this moment to switch from reader to writer?
It’s all about enlightening others.
Anne’s light-hearted storytelling style sums up how humour saved her sanity while navigating her way through frightening and curious events.
£3.50 -
A B C of Indian Astrology
Dr Ravindra Sharma has been a medical surgeon all his life yet has maintained a deep and abiding interest in astrology, having learnt it from several experts in the field such as his father, uncle, maternal grandfather and many others.
Astrology is an ancient science which attempts to unravel the mystery of the ever-changing drama of human life. It largely succeeds in doing so on the basis of planetary influences.
As a beginner, when one is looking for a book about astrology, one finds that most of them are either too simple or too difficult to read and absorb. This is a unique book in English language, concise yet comprehensive, that encompasses the entire gamut of the fundamentals of astrology in an easy-to-understand style and systematic manner.
Life-long pursuit of astrology for well over six decades has enabled the author to understand and relate to the fluctuating, often unexpected, even contradictory and at times intriguing events in one’s life. It has stood by him as a dependable companion, a friendly guide and an additional dimension.
The author believes the book will prove an interesting and absorbing read, a worthy and reliable companion and an added support. It is bound to provide the reader the thrill, the excitement, the joy and the satisfaction of discovering the dynamics of events in his life.