Totally Christian
Totally Christian is essential reading for anyone interested in the life, work, teaching, and extraordinary impact of Jesus Christ in the world. The content is biblically grounded and written in plain language. Assumptions are examined, areas of uncertainty acknowledged and different viewpoints about contentious issues presented openly. The aim of the book is to demonstrate the uniqueness and wonder of Jesus’s earthly mission, and the significance of his ministry for each of our lives and eternal destinies.Through delving into the fascinating elements of his humanity, and being confronted by his powerful, radical teaching, Totally Christian will enlarge your understanding of what Jesus accomplished on earth. At the end of each chapter, there are a variety of searching questions and statements to ponder and stimulate discussion and prayer, together with Insight boxes at intervals throughout the book, containing information and useful background details.Totally Christian will help every seeker after truth to find something of value to deepen faith, strengthen trust in God, stimulate a diligent search of the Bible, pray more fervently, and inspire a stronger desire to know and serve the One who invites us to understand more fully God’s intentions for our lives and the purpose for our existence.
£3.50 -
An Atheist View of the Bible
The Inspiration for An Atheist View of the Bible came from reading An Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy by C. Dennis McKinsey.My reading of the Old Testament of the King James translation of the Bible, along with the William Buck translation of the Indian epic Mahabharata, has made me look at these ancient stories from a new and modern perspective: a perspective that the ancient scribes could not have possibly imagined and could not describe what they witnessed.The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins is an exceptionally good example of an alternative view on harmful medieval religious dogma.The Bible Unearthed by Israel Finkelstein challenges the fundamentalist reading and offers a controversial perspective the Bible.There is a growing interest in our ancient past, with the desire of many people to find the real truth behind the one-sided history that has been accepted and taught for far too long.
£3.50 -
The Age of Aquarius: The Golden Age of Mankind
Part religious study and part scientific study The Age of Aquarius: The Golden Age of Mankind is a fascinating insight into religion, science and the stars. Split into chapters, providing tips on how to meditate, information on astrological symbolism, the Seven Seals and the planets, there is sure to be something to interest everyone in this book. There are chapters on each of the individual planets, and the book also contains diagrams and illustrations throughout, which will fascinate readers.
£3.50 -
Mysterious Ways: The Life That He Lived
When we read the stories about Jesus in the Bible, we hear about what Jesus did to help the people he met. He befriended them, he taught them, he healed them and he saved them from embarrassment. They are wonderful stories but what about the people themselves? Where were they coming from? What did they do with the rest of their lives? For example, what happened to the woman caught in adultery who, in the biblical account, we leave sitting alone with no money, no home, no family and no friends. Did Jesus really leave her in this position, which would have been a sort of living death?Looking at what Jesus did from the perspective of the people he met gives a different idea of what it was like to meet him. It showed more clearly his love and care for those he met and the way in which he shared the poverty of the people he met. More often than not, it was a life-changing experience.The stories are mostly told in the first-person so that the characters can say what they really felt. The stories have been used in the author’s own church for bible study and as dramatic readings. They have been used in schools and colleges as study material. They have also been used just as good reading material.
£3.50 -
Humans Evolved, People Were Made
If you believe in God but recoil from the way some people think that science has the answer to everything, and that the theory of Natural Selection can account for people without the need for God, you will find this book informative and inspiring. While reading it you will learn about the relationship between science and theology. You will be informed about the development of evolutionary science, from Lamarck to the present. You will understand the limitations of science and that Natural Selection is thought to be less important now. You will become aware of the difference between humans and people. How it was that people’s fear of each other led to sedentism and agriculture ten thousand years ago. You will learn more about the work of Charles Darwin, including his genetic theory, Pangenesis, and the writing on evolution by his contemporaries, Wallace and Chambers.You will see how the words of the Bible can be aligned with the material record of archaeology and how the timeline of development of people is different from that of animals.You will be interested in the proposal that God made people by an upgrade of the human, which must have happened just before the migration out of Africa, about 65,000 year ago. Only God could have given the ancient humans a soul, language and the intellect and immortality which go with them. This changed them into the people we are now, to make one living creature that could talk to God.
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قصص الخلافة الإسلامية والخلفاء - Stories of the Islamic Caliphate and the Caliphs
يتبينَّ للباحث المهتمِّ بالتاريخ الإسلامي أنَّ الفترة التي عاشها نبيُّ الهدى محمَّد غيَّرَتِ الحياة الإنسانية بشكل فريد؛ فمنذ بَعثته تغيَّرَتِ النُّظُم الحياتية للبشرية في جميع أوجهها، الاجتماعية – بشكل شامل وعميق – والاقتصادية، والحربية، والسياسية على وجه العموم، ونظام الحكم على وجه الخصوص.
كان عصر البعثة النبوية نموذجياً، ذلك أنَّه كان يُسَيَّر بالوحي الإلهي، أُرسِيَت فيه القواعد الراسخة لهذا الدين الحقِّ، وأطاع كلُّ مَن دخل الإسلام الرسول فيما قال أو فعل بِناءً عن اعتقاد وإيمان، إنَّما قول النبي وفِعله كان عن وحي يوحَى إليه مِن الله عزَّ وجلَّ.
أنبأ الرسول الكريم المسلمين، وأمرهم بأن يتَّبعوا مَن يأتي بعده مِن خلفائه، وهو الذي سمَّاهم "الخلفاء الراشدين المهديِّين".
جاء هذ الكتاب لا ليخدم غرضاً سياسياً على الإطلاق، ولكن ليخدم غرضاً إنسانياً اجتماعياً بحتاً، ويهدف لخدمة الإنسان المسلم المعاصِر على صورة مجموعة متسلسلة مِن القصص نتعلَّم منها، بعضها مأساوي مُحزِن، وبعضها مشوِّقٌ مثير، تتعلَّق وتدور حول نقطة وحيدة في التاريخ الإسلامي، وهي "الخلافة الإسلامية"، كيف انتقلَت مِن عصر إلى عصر؟ وكيف تحوَّلَت مِن خلافة بِشورى وبيعة لمُلك عضوض يُوَرَّث توريثاً؟ وكيف انتهَت تماماً كنظام حكم لعموم المسلمين؟ وقد أصبح لزاماً عليهم أن يفكِّروا في نظام اجتماعي بديل منبثق مِن نظام الخلافة الراشدة، ليس بالضرورة أن يكون مطابقاً له، ولكن حتماً يكون متمشِّياً مع الكتاب الحكيم والسُّنَّة المطهَّرة، وأبعد ما يكون عن اتِّباع الهوى.
£3.50 -
Trinity: Truth Or Myth?
This book is controversial in character because the author questions the most fundamental of all Christian teachings: whether any of the established churches are worshipping the true God of the Bible? This book should be read by every professing Christian and by those former Christians who have given up their belief in God. The book is a refreshingly new look at an old subject, the doctrine of the Trinity.
The book is ambitious to say the least; being intricate in detail, covering a very wide range of evidence, and yet is engaging and easy to understand. This is because the well-researched and wide-ranging scope of evidence is set out under logical headings which makes it easier for the reader to follow and understand the arguments put forward. Whether you accept the author’s conclusions or not, the book is thought provoking to the extent that you will have no choice but to reevaluate your own understanding of who is the true God.
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Thy Will Be Done
The book Thy Will Be Done presents a bible-based exposition on the will of God for every human life, marriage, family, business, career, government and the church. The book lays emphasis on the government of God on earth and the superiority of God’s will over human will, and the need for every man on earth to find and submit to the will of God.
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The Outsider's Guide to Christianity
This book provides a short, dispassionate introduction to Christianity in simple terms for people who know little or nothing about the subject, providing insight to the beliefs and practices of Christians. Although written from a Christian perspective, the book aspires to be both objective and inclusive throughout. As well as covering the history and the reasoning behind Christian belief, topics of belief which are difficult for outsiders to understand are covered, such as church in all its various forms, the Bible, Heaven and Hell, miracles, sin, sex and marriage, forgiving others, praise and prayer, and why bad things happen. Christian characters in media fiction are there for dramatic purposes and this usually gives a false impression of what Christians believe and how they behave. This book explains why the Christians we come across in real life believe what they believe, why they read the Bible and go to church and why they do the things they do – things which are not generally understood by non-Christians.
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The Signs of God's Coming
This book is about the End of Times and the signs of God's return.
In this book I explain about the Seven Seals and how six of them have already been broken open.
We are now living in the sixth seal.
I try to explain what is coming, and how mankind needs to get his or her heart right with God before it is too late.
I am trying to warn mankind that we are living in the last days on earth.
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The Questions Put by Jesus
Questions are revealing. It is exciting, therefore, in this book to study not only how Jesus’ use of questions characterises his ministry and his style of teaching, but also how those questions reveal his train of thought as events unfold, and what they reveal about him as a person in relation to himself, his neighbour, his environment, and God. This book engages with the milieu and the different Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life. It examines 108 of his questions in some detail together with their parallels, amounting to 299 questions in all. It explores Jesus’ use of questions to promote his teaching and ministry and sometimes, more aggressively, to defend his disciples or discomfort and discredit his critics and opponents.
Hopefully, being alive to the questions put by Jesus and even wondering, perhaps, how we might answer some of them, helps to sharpen our personal beliefs.
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The Miracle at the Rauza of Rasool Allah SAWW
The book The Miracle at the Rauza of Rasool Allah SAWW describes a wonderful dream that the author had. In this dream, the author is visited by numerous angels who fill him with virtues. As a citizen of the world, the author wants to share this dream with the world in order to show the reality of the dream and its message. The angels and the Jins, who are not visible to us, are real creatures who visit the Mosoulium of the Holy Imams of the Aehlebaait and the Rauza of the Rasool Allah Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa SAWW. In this book, the author describes the two angels who visited the Rauza of the Prophet of Islam Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa SAWW. The Noor – the refulgence of the light of the angels – punches a neat round hole in the brick wall and the two angels enter the Rauza through it, travelling in the air to the Rauza.
This dream is so realistic that it should be taken note of in order to lift the convictions and the faith of all people of the world.£3.50