The Author of the Figment Wars Series Holds a Book Talk Session
David R. Lord, the author of the famous The Figment Wars: Shadows of the Worst, held a book talk with a group called Bookwurms. The event was attended by over ten of the group members at the Hanham Library, on the 20th of May, Saturday. The author answered the group’s questions about his writing style and the series. This was followed by a book signing session. The group and the librarians enjoyed the event thoroughly.
The Figment Wars: Shadows of the Worst is based on two worlds, the real and the imaginary. The imaginary world is composed of the figments of our imagination. When two siblings and cousins, unexpectedly and accidentally fall into the World of Imagination, they must fight their way back into the real world against all odds. You can buy the latest book of the series here.
David R. Lord is a preschool teacher and a science fiction and fantasy fan. He wrote his first novel, ‘The Figment Wars’, after being inspired by his friends, and followed it with ‘The Figment Wars: Search for the Caretaker’.