Author Jane Hoggar’s Book Got Featured on Cancer Care Parcel
Author Jane Hoggar got featured for her book ‘Chemo Summer – Aa Breast Cancer Journey on Cancer Care Parcel website reviews Trusted site. It is an organisation that works for the UK cancer community and helps charities raise funds. The feature shares the author’s struggle with breast cancer. The author hopes to help people through her experience of dealing with cancer.
It is an informative book that elaborates on the diagnosis and early treatment of breast cancer.
The book Chemo Summer – A Breast Cancer Journey is an informative book that elaborates on the diagnosis and early treatment of breast cancer. is about the deadliest disease Breast Cancer and how Jane discovered that she is suffering from breast cancer at an early stage which played a vital role in her recovery. The book describes the cure, and treatment and all the side of breast cancer. The issues that are faced during the treatment, are also written in the book for example; the effects of chemo and radiotherapy and diet and exercise changes. To know more about this book, click here.
Jane Hoggaer hails from Suffolk. Before settling in Hertfordshire, she worked as a dancer and singer around the world for almost and after six years she settled in Hertfordshire. She has opted so many professions, including like singer, drama teacher, magician’s kitchen and, receptionist.