Author Marc O'Brien Gave a Talk at His Local Middle School
Author of the contemporary novel on the love of horse riding, Marc O'Brien visited Findlay Middle School in Las Vegas as part of Clark County School District's Payback program to talk about the importance of education and how writing can be used to release different kinds of emotions. After the presentation, the school presented him with refreshing gifts, a soda holder, a drink and a paper chain thank you gesture with all the students' input.
Talking on the importance of writing, he said:
"I really enjoy talking to middle school students about being a writer," said Austin Macauley, UK Author Marc O'Brien, "I cannot stress enough how important the activity of writing is when unleashing emotions by getting things out of one's system and at their age if they can master this creative skill it could make them a stronger person."
The Final Fence: Sophomores in the Saddle takes a creative and honest look into a life filled with support due to well-meaning individuals that think before they speak. The novel is set on the developing discussion between two characters named Eddie Patrick and Danielle Lynn who have similar opinions on a subject discussed in their class. When Eddie meets up with Danielle on a college campus, a love of horses triggers a classroom discussion. Using the backdrop of the conversation that ensued, the setting for this novel is a perfect way for the future generations to learn about respect.
Marc O’Brien realized early on while studying Communication Arts at the Barry University in 1988 that the skills he learned there could be used in daily life everywhere. He has since pulled together a collection of interesting fictional works that challenge the readers to interpret his writings. His first book series was targeted towards children, published with the Blue Note Publications titled Peter The Peteeatrick Panda and its subsequent sequels.