Author For You...with Love, Alexia Press attended her Book’s Launch Event in Shamrock Lodge, Ireland
Alexia Press showed up at the book launch event of her book on 16th March 2019 at Shamrock Lodge Hotel - Clonown Rd, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, Ireland. The event was attended by the Senator Gabrielle MnFadden who was the guest speaker at the launch, author’s son who was the inspiration for the book and some friends who were there to support her on the launch of her book.
For You...with Love is an emotional, courageous and inspirational story of love. Everybody encounters love in their life and have a story to tell about it, the author has shared her very own love story. Love is upbeat when its precious memories touch the heart and fear of losing love could be draining. The agony of losing love is beyond the words.
Alexia lives in Ireland with her four sons. She is a Business Management student and works as a Health Care Assistant. Alexia is an extremely strong woman who has raised four boys as a single parent. Her eldest boy was devastated at the death of his father at a very young age so Alexia’s work is inspired by her eldest boy.