‘The Duck Trail’ visits Newton Abbot Library
Steven G. Mathews brought the ducks in his book ‘The Duck Trail’ to the Newton Abbot Library in Devon recently. The author read an excerpt from the book and took some time out of his schedule to talk to the fans of his book.
Meet Drake the duck. He is a very inquisitive little duck and his curious nature usually leads towards a lot of fun and adventures.
And as adventures go, they are not always good for everyone.
One day he goes on one of his adventures and can’t find his way back home.
He can’t find any clue as to where his home is. There is no one to help him find the right path.
Now he has to rely on his sense of direction to find his way back. While he is trying hard to get home, will anyone notice he is gone? And will they come looking for him?
Read about all of his excursions in this wonderfully illustrated book.
Steven finds writing poetry and stories to be fun and relaxing.
His children’s imagination has inspired him to write stories that they keep around.
He is also in the process of getting his professional procurement qualifications.