Federation of Family History Societies Reviewed Childhoods Are Forever by Tony Muddimer
Childhoods Are Forever, a memoir by Tony Muddimer received an online review from Federation of Family History Societies. The review stated that it is an interesting memoir about life during World War II as seen through a young boy. It offered a summary of the book and appreciated that the book is concise, well written and well organized.
Childhoods Are Forever is a compelling memoir that will transport you in time to the era of World War II. The story is told through the perspective of a young boy who tries to make it through with a dysfunctional family and father deported at risky missions for the country. However, those tormenting times were also an opportunity for the young tony to meet the brave men who made up the team of Ian Fleming and faced the similar circumstances which led him to create the character of James Bond.
Tony was born a little before the onset of World War II, so his childhood was massively shaped by war as his father was sent away for secret missions by the army and he studied in classrooms crowded with students due to the shortage of teachers. He was also exposed to serve food shortage and German’s bombing down the cities and raiding the houses and shops for supplies. For a few months, his family was sent away to live in Tenby as their family residence was acquired by the military.
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