Graduate.co.uk Featured Austin Macauley’s Publications The Graduate Book and The Student Book by Chris Davies
Austin Macauley's publications The Graduate book and The Student Book by Chris Davies were featured on Graduate.co.uk. The books were announced as the best reads for students who are struggling to find a career path. The books are highly recommended for young graduates and students.
The book The Graduate Book suggests keys to the glitches faced by the graduates during and after the completion of their degree. It explains the approaches to adapt while picking a career path. It has everything that a graduate would want to learn before beginning a career. Go grab a copy of this book and make the decision of picking a career easy for you.
The Student Book is all about learning your personality, skill set and choosing a career accordingly. It gives the students the acumen of what factors should be considered while picking up a career. Choosing a profession that is going to define you for the rest of your life is a cumbersome job. This read will surely clear the air while you reach a final decision.
The author Chris Davies is the founder of Graduate Coach. He is an acknowledged foremost graduate coach of Britain. He has given a push to over 300 graduates’ career.
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