A historic feat achieved by Leonardo Durso as he gets mentioned on his University’s newsletter

A historic feat achieved by Leonardo Durso as he gets mentioned on his University’s newsletter

Leonard Durso, who is currently tasting huge success through his book Istanbul Days, Istanbul Nights, got his name mentioned in the Teacher’s College of Columbia University newsletter under the alumni publications. He did his master’s degree from here in the year 1994.

The book that promoted him as a successful writer is a re-imaged version of Shakespeare’s historic and tragic romance, Romeo and Juliet. Although he had already written a book, Night and Day, which was written on a same kind of plot but unfortunately, it didn’t made to the book shelves.

The success factor in this book is that it is set in the historical and beautiful city of Istanbul where characters bound by cultural differences are trying to find their way through their love life.

The author goes about his job in simple and neat manner and the book has the captivating factor word after word. The blending of different characters and new situations with the old historic time is marvellously done.

Leonard is a New Yorker and has spent all his life serving literature and academic activities. He once owned a literary bookstore in Los Angeles, ran English language programs in New York and Istanbul, wrote for a newspaper, and wrote advertising copy. He was a professional boy scout and is living in Turkey since 2008.

Visit link for more information: http://www.tc.columbia.edu/admin/development/alumni-bin/newsletters/nov17/11nl17.html

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