John Stoneham Gets Featured in the SAWEEKEND Section of the Advertiser Adelaide
Passion goes a long way. These words are the reality of our author John Stoneham who has a maddening love for classic motor cars and cartoons. He has combined both of his interests in his latest book Classic Motor Cartoon Book. On 16th January, 2021, John Stoneham got featured on the SAWEEKEND page of The Advertiser Adelaide. In his talk with Paul Ashenden, John Stoneham opens up in detail about his work life as a cartoonist in various places and across various countries. Every narrative that he tells serves as added evidence of how crazily he has pursued his passion over the years. In the feature, he also throws light on his early years when he used to look and search closely how caricatures are drawn and line work used.
John Stoneham uses the pen name ‘Stonie.’ For more than forty years, he has remained associated with motoring and classic motors industry. He is a South Australian who has regularly supervised and managerially taken part in racing events. He has worked with media houses and magazines making illustrations, caricatures and cartoons. His career trajectory had never been smooth but at no point did he let go of his passion for cars and making cartoons.
Ultimately, he was able to find a final elated destination for his two most loved hobbies—a Classic Motor Cartoon Book which features nothing but classic motor cars. Stonie has made the book exceedingly interesting by including cars’ histories, the names of their owners, all trivial details about the cars’ designs, and last but not least, the music you could hear on the radio in those respective times, to complete the vintage vibe surrounding the classic motors.