Library of University of British Columbia’s RSBC Section Retains Kunio Yamagishi’s Book
Kunio Yamagishi was thrilled to have discovered that his book, The Return of a Shadow, is being kept in the RBSC Rare & Special Book Collection Section of the prestigious Library of the University of British Columbia.
The Return of a Shadow is a novel based on Eizo Osada. He left Japan and started working as a Canadian intern 40 years ago to escape World War II and its repercussions in Japan. He started working in Canada. His wife also sent him a letter stating that he stays in Canada to fend for their three young boys instead of returning to the war-torn, devastated economy of Japan. Finally, he returns to his wife and sons after a lifetime, only to realize that the familiar family that he knew was transformed completely. The book narrates a melancholic reality that some people make it through life without any close friendships or family and die a natural death. This novel has a way of getting under your skin.
Kunio Yamagishi studied at Hosei University, Tokyo. He immigrated to Canada and worked for Wall Street in Tokyo, Toronto, and New York as an investment banker.