Maximilian Sam Attends an Author Event at a Local Book Fair
Maximilan Sam attended an author event for his new children's storybook, It’s a Stray Dog’s Life, at a local book fair in Dallas on 7th May 2022.
It’s a Stray Dog’s Life is a children's storybook that entails a tale of three stray dog characters, Princess, Buster, and Snowy. The three stray dogs of Turkey share their perspective of being vagrant animals on the streets in Turkey. It is amazing how the life of a stray is way more fun and happening compared to that of house pets. All three characters are offered shelter, food and love from people around them. For people who want to ensure that their kids spend more time indulging in creative and constructive activities, they should purchase this book and gift it to them. A time well spent with acute learning is a fruit that the book promises to its young readers. Not only does it narrate the simple funny instances of the lives of these stray dogs but it also imparts light and breezy life lessons along the way.
Maximilan Sam worked in the field of Public Relations all his life. Consequently, leading a socially active life that made him capable of roaming around in ten countries before he finally settled on the western coasts of Turkey. He has spent his childhood in England, where he kept himself surrounded by his collies. He has an innate adoration for dogs. He says that strays always magnetize towards him.