Southport Visiter Newpaper Featured An Article About Veronica Gibbs and Her Book Tibbs Meets the Witch of Witchety Woods
Southport Visiter wrote an article about Veronica Gibbs and her book Tibbs Meets the Witch of Witchety Woods to promote her event that took place on the 1st November. The article helps to promote this title by informing readers of the book, about the author, and where Veronica Gibbs would be for her book reading.
This must-read children’s book is a story about the witch of witchety woods. Whenever she visits the woods, everything is so quiet and peaceful. However, when she decides to put an engine onto her broomstick, she begins to disrupt all the wildlife at peace in the woods. Mr Moon finds out about this and knows that something needs to be done! This is a great story with a moral about pollution.
Veronica Gibbs has always felt strongly about the conservation of animals, putting her passions into working for the R.S.P.C.A. as a volunteer for the British Hedgehog Preservation Society. Veronica began to write children’s books when she retired.