The Crown’s Book Signing Event at the Rome, GA Barnes and Noble.
We are enthralled to share that Sadie Sorensen, one of our best authors, attended the book signing event of her book ‘The Crown’ on April 13th, Saturday, held at the Rome, GA, Barnes and Noble. Here are some beautiful pictures of the author signing event.
‘The Crown’ is a captivating story unraveling the true worth of a soul. It explains that our worth can never be taken away or decreased and we are always valuable. Kindness and love are two of those magic emotions that help us embrace our worth in our lives and in front of others. Order the book here.
Sadie Sorensen is the oldest of her five siblings. She grew up in Texas and, from a very young age, had a passion for family, building, and supporting others. While she was in college, she fell in love and married Logan, who is her husband now, and began a family with their children. Among all of this, she realized her passion for entertaining her kids with stories of her own. This passion influenced her to write stories and share them with the world. With the hope of many more stories to come, she published her first book.