Trunky the Tree Reviews our Children’s Book, Olly Octopus Shares a Smile
Earlier this month, Trunky the Tree reviewed our wonderful children’s book, Olly Octopus Shares a Smile, written by Ann Graves. Trunky the Tree is a platform dedicated to children’s literature, reviewing books, interviewing authors and creating appealing characters to entertain children. The website rated the book as an excellent read, giving it five stars. “Ann’s spectacular illustrations bring Olly and his friends to life with such vibrancy and personality that are irresistible. Her use of poetic descriptive language floats off the page as we learn about mischievous Olly who loves to tickle all his friends,” the review reads.
Read the complete review here.
Olly Octopus Shares a Smile is an entertaining story of a genial octopus, Olly. Olly has this unique nature of loving to tickle anyone that comes on his way, deep down in the sea. If you are having a bad day, wait until Olly finds you and comes for you. He’ll cheer you up with his tiny but playful tentacles. Ann Graves has beautifully sprinkled the book with related illustrations to make it a perfect read for children.
Ann Graves is an avid reader who prefers to find solace in books. She previously worked as a Primary and SEN teacher. She writes for children, wishing to pass on her love for books to children—hers as well as others’. Ann uses illustrations she drew in her son’s bedroom to inspire her sea life characters.