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Hidden Treasure-bookcover

By: Karima Moss

Hidden Treasure

Pages: 178 Ratings: 5.0
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Here is a spell-binding and profound memoir for our times, sparked by the sudden death of a beloved partner. An intensely intimate yet fresh and light approach draws us into the delights of love, the consuming nature of grief, and a potent journey which unveils the mysterious treasures inherent in heartfelt engagement with the significant ups and downs of life.

Not only are we privy to the depth of the author’s thoughts and feelings but her partner comes across as a person with a real and secret unknown life all his own beyond the page, giving an appreciation for the profundity of a person we will never directly know. And a spectacular forest in New South Wales comes alive as an integral vital companion in this journey of discovery.

Hidden Treasure is not so hidden, it is a light of mature love that two attuned adults brought to life which emerges as a spiritual journey of deep relationship with the mystery of life.

This book acknowledges the vagaries of life with all its pitfalls and yet – ultimately – it is uplifting, ending on a hopeful joyous note. It holds the potential of nourishment for those who are grieving in a world currently dominated by loss and contains inspiration of the most dignified kind, beautifully portrayed.

Karima’s childhood was spent between parts of England and parts of West and East Africa. Her life continued to be an itinerant adventure—inner as well as outer—and she has now settled in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. Gifted with the ability to see patterns in, for example, mathematics, dance moves, and people’s words and behaviour, she has worked in diverse areas such as computer programming, supporting hospice volunteers and teaching at a tertiary level. Her first book, Song of the Unsung, about hospice volunteers reflects her deep interest in people feeling right about themselves.

Customer Reviews
2 reviews
2 reviews
  • Michael Morehouse

    Mourning is an intensely personal and private experience, and yet, ironically, those of us who live all end up engaging with and enduring it, eventually, and often in public. By walking us along her individual journey, Karima reveals those places in the path where uncounted feet have travelled, and where uncounted more will tread, discovering the uncommonly shared truths obscured behind the incredibly and achingly personal ones. The result is, indeed, one of life’s hidden treasures, and well worth finding.

  • Mary OConnell

    ‘From the very beginning, I thought, Who is this man?’
    Once in a long while, if we are fortunate, we meet a person who changes our course, our life, changes us. Sometimes the recognition is immediate – as it was for Karima in her first encounter with David. Finding out who he was and what he meant to her is part of the deep love story of Hidden Treasure.
    But what happens when that life-changing person leaves us? What if the leaving is even more overwhelming than the meeting? What if all those well-intentioned books on grief seem puny, shallow, and ridiculous in the face of this loss?
    Hidden Treasure is a memoir of love, exploration, expansion, and loss – a loss which would in its own pain-filled way be as expansive and world-changing as the first dancing encounter.
    Rich in reflection, and beautifully and bravely written, Hidden Treasure is about a heart open – and opening - to love and all the possibilities of the Otherworld. ‘The act of sitting and waiting at a doorway offers a great teaching.’

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